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Archived: Comments on feature proposals

Discussion of new features for core Mahara that a developer (team) is getting started on and invites comments.

This forum is not for making feature requests - we have a bug tracker for this. However, if you want a feature to be implemented, and have funding (part or full) for it, you can post about it in here. Please read the forum instructions before posting.

Topic Posts Last post

comment icon for journals keeps changing by Rume Begum

When the comment option has been enabled for th...
2 22 March 2023, 10:12

by Kristina Hoeppner

Current pagination versus continuous scrolling by Robert Lyon

In Mahara when viewing a collection of portfoli...
1 10 May 2018, 8:24

by Robert Lyon

Fine tuning permissions within group pages by kalli benetos

Dear all,
2 17 January 2018, 8:01

by Kristina Hoeppner

PDF Export by Account deleted

Forum to discuss the proposed inclusion of PDF ...
27 29 October 2017, 15:31

by Kristina Hoeppner

Messaging by Keith Morton

Is there a way to manage an individuals ability...
4 26 March 2017, 13:42

by Kristina Hoeppner

Notify on certain words or phrases by Keith Morton

Is there any way to notify an admin or moderato...
4 26 March 2017, 13:37

by Kristina Hoeppner

Share to Group Collection by Eric Simard

If it is doable I have not found how to (Well I...
2 11 May 2016, 15:13

by Kristina Hoeppner

CSV group enrolments by staff by Account deleted

Can it be made possible for the Staff role to b...
7 20 August 2015, 8:32

by Shen Zhang

improve the language menu display by issam taboubi

2 10 July 2015, 9:02

by Kristina Hoeppner

Thoughts on Mahara 1.4 by Account deleted

I'm not a developer, I've not had much input in...
15 31 March 2015, 9:19

by Pete Potter

Tagging & Searching by Account deleted

Roadmap item:
22 23 March 2015, 15:00

by Kristina Hoeppner

Resume by Account deleted

I looked at the Roadmap on the wiki, but there ...
8 24 February 2015, 23:35

by Account deleted

Forum notification. by Jean FRUITET

Mahara forums post email notifications. That's ...
4 09 November 2014, 13:16

by Kristina Hoeppner

Mahara assignment submission via LTI and archiving of submitted pages by Kristina Hoeppner

14 20 October 2014, 21:52

by Kristina Hoeppner

Make Mahara assignment type work with Moodle 2.3+ by Account deleted

I understand that the Mahara Moodle assignment ...
50 31 August 2014, 14:27

by Kristina Hoeppner

Popular posts blocks by Account deleted

8 04 June 2014, 21:25

by Account deleted

Privacy and the profile page by Account deleted

Hi All,
5 02 June 2014, 17:31

by Kristina Hoeppner

Social Networking Enhancements in Mahara by Yuliya Bozhko

Hi everyone!
7 16 April 2014, 1:00

by Jasmin Hodge

Comments on comments by Aaron Wells

While code reviewing some feedback-related bugs...
5 04 October 2013, 13:21

by Aaron Wells

Improvements for Groups - from. v. 1.6.3 by Account deleted

I like the idea of Mahara groups, but I find th...
4 19 July 2013, 2:29

by Kristina Hoeppner

Email button by Account deleted

It would be nice if we could have an "email" bu...
2 28 April 2013, 15:54

by Kristina Hoeppner

E-mail to Journal by Account deleted

I've just posted a feature proposal on the wiki...
20 24 January 2013, 20:55

by Account deleted

Anonymous pages for assessment by Account deleted

We're using Mahara at the University of Portsmo...
2 06 November 2012, 12:16

by Kristina Hoeppner

Comments on Isolated Institutions and 1.5 by Account deleted

I've now read most of the Walled Gardens/Isolat...
7 05 September 2012, 8:18

by Ruslan Kabalin

How isolated / flexible will Isolated Institutions be? by Kristina Hoeppner

Hello Andrew and Ruslan,
34 14 August 2012, 4:20

by Kristina Hoeppner

56 topics