
Since June 2010 I have been working at Catalyst IT, the maintainer of the Mahara project and a major development company for Mahara. I am one of the non-developers on the project and am involved in the following community activities:

  • answering questions in the community forums, on the bug and feature tracker and elsewhere
  • asking questions on how to make Mahara better
  • writing the user manual
  • editing the quarterly newsletter
  • supporting Mahara User Groups organizers
  • spreading the word about Mahara

The core Mahara team at Catalyst also supports clients around the world with custom development, hosting and maintaining Mahara instances, as well as development work that is contributed back to the core project. If you want to find out more, please check out our support packages or get in touch directly.

 Follow me on Twitter

Mahara wishing jar

Kristina Hoeppner's friends

36 friends

Kristina Hoeppner's groups

AAEEBL 2018 panel


Catalyst Projects


Deutschsprachiges Mahara


Dutch MUG


Kiwi Mahara User Group


Kristina test




Mahara Business Partners


Mahara Community




Mahara Partners


Mahara Partners (pre-2015)


Mahara supporters


Mahara Themes


Mahara Translation


Mahara User Group (MUG)


Mahara Users Midlands


Mahara UX
