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Teacher Education Pilot and a question

Tim Molnar's profile picture
Posts: 42

26 September 2013, 6:01

I installed and used early versions of Mahara (along with Moodle) back in 2007-08 on our local server.

I attempted to get our education college to "buy in" but alas they were uninterested, though my university was interested.

Now they are interested !!!!!! (I warned them..LOL)

Anyway I need to run a pilot of 60 or so teachers so they can use it during their internship. Can I do this on the site in the short term?

Or do I need to go set up my own server (again) and deal with all the associated costs.

Any suggestions and insight on this are very welcome. (Nigel?) (Kristena H?) (others?)

It's fun to be back in the Mahara fold...

I hope anyway


Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

26 September 2013, 7:08

Hi Tim:

I'm in Manitoba, in the process of converting my Mahara server to multiple institutions. Maybe I can help? Contact me if you like at don[at]

Tim Molnar's profile picture
Posts: 42

27 September 2013, 4:45

Hi Don:

Great. I am just conversing with some of our IT people here and getting hosting costs for virtual servers etc...

Here's a question though. I need information on just what the typical amount of storage might be used by a student in creating a portfolio for educational purposes.

That's an extremely wide question, but I will need to figure that out more or less.

Just ballparking it...but I can't see people going beyond a gigabtye. Then could be a challenge.


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

27 September 2013, 11:46

Hi Tim,

That's one of the perennial questions of setting up a Mahara site. Wink Here are a couple of recent threads with some advice on the topic:



Tim Molnar's profile picture
Posts: 42

28 September 2013, 5:39

thanks Aaron

Jasmin Hodge's profile picture
Posts: 33

27 September 2013, 13:28

Hi Tim

We give 1GB as default, but as we have sections who only use Mahara for their assessment planning, i've negotiated 10GB for each of them!  I know, its obscene - I think you are in a better position to offer more space and be competitive with other services when you are hosting yourself, so that is good.

Also, give clear communication on how learners can install 'mahara on a stick' at home and encourage them to export data that they want to archive.

Make good use of external media sites such as youtube, vimeo, soundcloud etc - you can be savvy with your data - but bear in mind, pages that are submitted for assessment cannot be using external content blocks for evidence as there is no control over what the student can do once submitted.

Hope this helps.

Tim Molnar's profile picture
Posts: 42

28 September 2013, 5:38

Yes that helps.

Yes we will have to figure out how the assessment aspects work. I will search the threads and see what people are doing.

People posting to utube is an option. Could you explain a bit more on the last half of your last paragraph...?? assessment/ content blocks....

I have not totally jumped on the horse yet as I am waiting for my associate dean to make some decisions.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

29 September 2013, 16:40

Hello Tim,

Welcome back to using Mahara. Unfortunately, you can't run your pilot on as we do not have the capacity for a helpdesk to support users with individual questions. Hence, the storage at just 5 MB.

There are a few providers who offer hosting of Mahara users and some can even set up an institution. I guess you are already talking with Don.

Please be aware of the following: Moving portfolios is relatively easy (esp. if you stay on the same version of Mahara or go to a higher one). However, you cannot move groups to a new site easily because group content cannot be exported. It's not unsurmountable, esp. when you go to a fresh install, but something to think about whether you'd like to be on a server where you could stay long-term as well after the trial.

All the best to Canada.




Tim Molnar's profile picture
Posts: 42

29 September 2013, 17:36

Hi Kristina,

NIce to get back on. I thought.

Don offered some help yes....just figuring out the usual stuff on my end.

We are running Blackboard and will likely link to a Mahara set up through that.

Congrat's on the new position (if I am not mistaken...??) 

I'll be posting no doubt at things progress...

very best


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

29 September 2013, 18:48

Hello Tim,

It's been a while since the University of Luxembourg. In June 2010 I moved to Wellington to work for Catalyst and thus more closely on Mahara. It's a great journey.




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