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Type overlaps in larger fonts in text box.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 32

14 February 2013, 4:42

I am using Mahara 1.6 with Safari on an iMac. I am using the product through our University system at Plymouth State. The issue I've discovered is:

When using text boxes, if I make the text larger than four and don't use the enter key between lines, the text overlaps. The line spacing does not adjust for the font size.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 32

14 February 2013, 5:43

My PHP is  - 5.3.10
MySQL - 5.1.54
anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 32

14 February 2013, 7:58

Here is a link to a secret URL so you can see what I am talking about:

Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

14 February 2013, 9:59

Hi Marylena,

Did you try contacting your university's help desk for this problem? From the "about" link ( ) on the bottom of the page you linked to, I can see that their phone number is (603) 535-2929 and their email is [email protected]



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 32

15 February 2013, 6:17

Hi Aaron,

I am an Instructional Technologist here and contacted my IT person. 

Response from Kevin:

This appears to be a CSS issue. It looks like Mahara is specifying a line-height value and they are doing it correctly with a relative value of 1.333em. Not sure how much you know about CSS but that basically means it should be 'smart' and make the line-height about 33% larger than the font size (whatever it might be). However, it looks like they may have goofed the CSS a bit and specified that rule incorrectly. Seems like that value is getting set early in the page rendering and isn't updating with individual elements as text size changes.


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

19 February 2013, 12:00

Hi Marylena,

It looks like this is a bug in Mahara due to a combination of factors. It's essentially the same bug as was described for Moodle 2.3.1 on this forum post, because Moodle is using TinyMCE, the same HTML editor as Mahara:

Alex Walker's post on that forum describes some workarounds for this problem. I've also logged a bug for it on the Mahara bug tracker: . But it may be a while before we have the resources to address it ourselves.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

03 March 2013, 11:49

Hello Marylena,

Please see for a response from our designer. I forwarded her your issue for double-checking. I know she already made some changes for Mahara 1.7.



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