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Comments on feature proposals /

Craig Eves's profile picture
Posts: 104

19 August 2010, 17:51

To discuss the proposed features for v 1.4 described in the Mahara roadmap wiki.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 47

17 September 2010, 6:24

One thing I've been often asked about is the ability to build a view based on tags, where a user has built their tags based on (for example) competencies. In an ideal world the tags would be site-wide, but I know there are some challenges in doing this, so just an ability to use tags more would be great.

Wondering if it could be as simple as adding a filter to any blocks which reference taggable internal artefacts (primarily blog posts and files) so that a user could create a view which aggregates any internal artefacts relating to a specific tag (competency).

Open to better ideas though :)


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

17 September 2010, 19:42

Hello Mark,

As far as I know, Richard coded the tag search in such a way that it can be expanded to groups, institutions and the entire site. We just haven't gotten around to it as at the time, the University of Luxembourg only needed individual tags so that students could have some search capability within their portfolio.

If somebody wants to fund the expansion of the tagging system that would be great.

The idea of aggregating content directly from tags sounds definitely interesting and worthwhile looking into as it is a way of automatically populating views that can be helpful.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 47

21 September 2010, 3:24

Hey Kristina,

Tricky thing with funding as I discovered last time I looked at this is that it needs an estimate of how much is needed before I can go and make a proposal to my clients about what they will get for their money. Any suggestions about how to get this roughly specced out and scoped? Last time Penny Leach spent more time than she should have working through a potential solution which could still be valid (was tied up in site-wide tags), it would be great to leverage this specification if possible, even if it is a slightly different focus.

Happy to share ideas and do some specification work about how I think it should work if that will help.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

23 September 2010, 17:56

Hello Mark,

Definitely, specs and an approximate amount of time needed for the development helps to secure funding. You can take a look at (part "Tag search") for my initial thoughts on the tag search. The discussion of this feature is located at

Would that help to get your additional specifications in it and expand the current tag search discussion? It would be great to know what others would like to have so that we as community can come up with a revised / added on to version of the tag search that expands to groups, institutions etc. Then it should be fairly easy to give an approximate timeframe for development that you could pitch to your clients.



Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

29 October 2010, 21:13

It would be great if submitted views could be sorted alphabetical by user in the submitted views list of a group. Basic sorting functionality elsewhere would be nice too.
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

30 October 2010, 21:08

Hello Dirk,

I thought I had already submitted a bug that is concerned with ordering views alphabetically, but I can't find it anymore. Thus, here's a new bug:



Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

31 October 2010, 17:13

Thank you Kristina.

I clicked 'This bug affects me too'. I never know when to report a bug or a feature request.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

31 October 2010, 18:50

Hello Dirk,

You don't have to decide whether it's a bug or a feature. Unfortunately, Launchpad generically uses "bugs" only. However, in the "importance" we can check whether it's actually a bug or a wishlist item.

Thus, you just need to report no matter whether bug or feature. Smile



Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

10 March 2011, 21:49

Here is a patch against 1.3 that sorts views alphabetically by name of the person who submitted it to either of the two 'course' type groups. PATCH  It also sorts by date of the submitted views of a user.

This patch is usefull for anyone who has to deal with dozens or hundreds of views that were submitted to a group. Our teachers realy like this and think its a real time saver.

Thank you to Catalyst for the great patch and for including it in 1.4 as well. We are happy to release our small contributions to the community as we benefit greatly from the work others have done and are doing.

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