Derrin Kent

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I work for TDM - A Mahara partner organisation based in Worcestershire, England.  I'm a Jack-of-all-Trades cross between a "Trainer", a "Manager" and a "Technologist".

  • Email address: [email protected]
  • Official website address:
  • Personal website address:
  • Blog address:
  • Postal address: The Development Manager Ltd.,
    25, Load Street,
    DY12 2AE
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Business phone: 0333 10 100 89
  • Mobile phone: 07792 569415

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Derrin Kent's portfolios

Case Study: Network Hubs of Co-Opetition

Using Mahara and Moodle, we have developed places where we can engage in "Co-opetition": i.e. co-...
1 portfolio

Some more of my pages...

My focus in the UK has predominantly been to serve the Work-Based Learning sector.   i.e. private businesses who deliver learning to people who are:

  • either already in work
  • or who are trying to find work in a particular occupational sector.

I find this sector exciting.... but I also reckon it is high time for a paradigm shift!!

A collection of mine is displayed on the from page of  Click the link below to have a look


Trainer / Manager / Linguist / Geek

ePortfolios, eAssessment and both.

Both e-portfolio and e-assessment processes have independent value …but both objectives can be happily delivered in an interdependent way. Mahara very much sees itself as a stand-alone reflective (lifelong) e-portfolio tool.  But Mahara is also keen to integrate with the Moodle Course Management System and its very useful gradebook. This integration then facilitates the use of outcomes [...]

What is the relationship between Mahara and Moodle?

Moodle is a COURSE Management System (CMS), Mahara is a Personalised LEARNING Environment (PLE). We need both, but Mahara is the more important of the two. When you walk into a school or college, the first place you pay attention to is your own locker, or satchel (Mahara). You then go to the corridor full of [...]

What is Mahara (versus the DVD or USB Stick)?

Learning e-Portfolios are not a new innovation.  The concept goes back a long, long way.   People have stored e-Portfolios on floppy disks.  Early users of the internet stored their e-Portfolios on websites written in hand-coded html, or produced on Dreamweaver. But things have moved on really quite significantly.   A quick visit to eBay, or your [...]

What is Mahara (versus PaperFree, eNVQ, OneFile, et. al.)?

I often get asked by FE Colleges and Independent WBL Training Providers:  ¨Which Accrediting Bodies will accept Mahara?¨ The answer to the question is:  “All of them“.   No one has ever reported an EV saying “no” to Mahara.  It would be the same as their saying “no” to an arch-lever file of evidence or to a [...]

What is Mahara (versus Facebook or Ning)?

I often get asked the difference between Mahara and Facebook / Ning / other social media sites.  This is what I am currently saying: Mahara cannot be substituted by cloud (SaaS) sites (like Facebook or Ning) because: educational institutions need to use focussed, explicitly-designed and bespoke-branded educational software identified with a single url and a common e-portfolio [...]

What is Mahara (versus Moodle)?

I often get asked the difference between Mahara and Moodle.  I often get told the VLE is ¨dead¨.   Here´s what I am currently saying in response…. Mahara is a Personalised Learning Environment (PLE), ie: a tutor-owned facility for ¨Handouts2.0¨ (now using a combination of video, audio, image, written text, downloadable files, RSS feeds, etc.) a facility for learner-created [...]

10 Tips: e-Portfolios for WBL

I believe Work-Based Learning is a creative, expressive candidate-led process which can be facilitated by a “proper” e-portfolio tool such as Mahara ( ). I am continuously learning how Mahara, Moodle and other Open Source Technologies can be called upon to improve the delivery of Work-Based and other Vocational Learning. These are some tips [...]

New UK Government ICT Strategy

The UK Government have now extended their: Open Source, Open Standards and Re-Use:  Government Action Plan into a fuller ICT strategy: Aside from the very clear support for Open Source Software and Open Standards, another interesting idea here is the concept of a G-Cloud.  A Cloud repository for the UK Public Sector which will compete wit Google [...]

Trainers refuse to share

When presenting at a JISC RSC event on the topic of our TDM Networks of Trust, today, I was asked the question as to whether or not the Networks of Trust concept will work in view of the fact that people refuse to share their stuff. TDM are currently hosting three Networks of Trust: 1. The Black [...]

WBL 2.0

We had Web2.0 and now I think it is time for us to be talking about WBL2.0 I believe that Work-Based Learning in the future will be increasingly delivered to people in their Workplaces by means of digital internet video, audio and text-based media via which: learners can get “just-in-time” SOCIAL support from Assessors and trainers [...]
Last updated on 12 March 2025 at 16:46

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