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Greek characters are replaced by ? after inserting picture in a textbox

Andrea Ghoneim's profile picture
Posts: 6

27 September 2016, 0:33

Dear developers,


I am not sure whether I am right here with my problem, but don't have an idea where else to turn to.

A key-user (trainer) sent me the request and screenshot as posted below. Do you have an explanation/help for this?

As far as I know, the colleagues use Google chrome for browsing, but I don't know on which OS/device...

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


From Maria from Cyprus (Project ATS2020)

"When we insert an image into a textbox then the Greek text appears with missing letters replaced with question marks (?)."


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4907

27 September 2016, 2:44

Hello Andrea,

Does this happen just in the primary school theme or also in another theme? Since I don't have your text, I couldn't work with that. Using the Lorem Ipsum Generator in Greek I could not replicate your issue in neither the Raw nor the Primary School theme. I also copied the text from the Greek Wikipedia article on eLearning and didn't see any letters missing.

Could you please use that on your instance and check if there are letters missing?

The only 2 possible explanations I have at this moment are that either some Greek letters might be missing from the alphabet in the font that we use, but that should mean that the text from the Lorem Ipsum Generator or Wikipedia should also not display completely. The other option could be that the teacher doesn't use UTF8 encoding in her browser and thus letters might be stored incorrectly.




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

03 October 2016, 13:14

Since only some of the letters were turned into "?"s, it's probably a UTF-16 issue. Those can be tricky to replicate, because depending on your operating system, copying and pasting may recode them into UTF-8. :-\

But as Kristina said, it would be very helpful if you could provide a link to some text that replicates the issue. If you can post the text here into the forums (and it doesn't turn it into "?"s) that would be good. Or a link to Google Docs, or a Word document.

Some other tests that might help us troubleshoot this:

1. Does it only happen when you add an image? Or does it also happen if you add a table? Or if you switch to "Source code" view and then back?

2. Does it happen if you use the demo version of TinyMCE here:

The answers to those questions can help us determine whether this is a bug in TinyMCE itself, or whether it's a bug in our custom image plugin.



Gregor Pirker's profile picture
Posts: 9

21 October 2016, 21:33

Dear Aaron and Kristina,

I have successful the issue replicated! The issue is combination with letters and a image. 

The Users reported me that only this letters make problems <ά> or <έ> or <ό> and I found out that the ? comes if you insert any image with this letters in a seperate text. if you insert only the letters in a text without any image the letters will be display correctly! it is the same in a table. it is the same in all themes

If you wish i can share the page with my tests.

Best wishes


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

07 November 2016, 11:19

Hi Gregor,

It looks like this issue is caused by Bug 1582778, a bug in how we handled multi-byte UTF-8 characters in text boxes with user images in them. I saw in your email to Kristina that you're running Mahara 15.10.1. We released a fix for it in Mahara 15.10.4, so upgrading should solve the issue. Or if you can't upgrade for some reason, you can try cherry-picking this patch:



Gregor Pirker's profile picture
Posts: 9

17 November 2016, 4:36

Hi Aaron an Kristina,

thank you very much for the help. It works without any problems since Friday :-).  The Greek-Partners are very grateful to you ;-)

Best wishes


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4907

17 November 2016, 7:04

Glad to read that it works, Gregor. Now the Greek portfolios will have much fewer questionmarks in them. :-)




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