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Collections and initial numbers of tabs

Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

23 September 2015, 21:31

I'm not overly familiar with Collections so I hope I'm making sense. 

We have a collection with 6 pages in it. When displayed 5 tabs appear plus one ellipses where the last one should be. There's ample room to actually display the remaining tab rather than the inferred 'more' tab. 

Is this a bug / slightly dodgy feature or is it something I can change someplace?

Thanks :)

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

24 September 2015, 8:48

Hello Howard,

I believe there might be a hard-coded number of tabs to display before the three dots appear. If you want to show all tabs, you could simply remove the ellipses with the following (or similar depending on the version of Mahara you have). Note: That would display all tabs also in larger collections. You couldn't just target smaller ones.

  1. Comment out all the code within function toggleShowmore()
  2. Comment out the creation on the '<<' tab in addLoadEvent() function
  3. Comment out the connect('colnav') onclick function in addLoadEvent() function

And that should show all the tabs.

From Mahara 15.10 on we will not have the tabs anymore, but a better way to navigate collections which allows for displaying the collection title as well as the page title instead of hiding the latter on the tabs.




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

24 September 2015, 12:07

There's actually a bug tracker item relating to this, also:

I'll update that with a screenshot of the new system.

Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

28 September 2015, 22:43

Thanks both... yes, I eventually found both the place in the code where it is set (yep - a hard coded '5') and the tracker. 

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