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"Setting" Plugin need to be upgraded after upgrading mahara 1.9.1 to mahara 1.10.1

Muhtajin caem's profile picture
Posts: 4

06 January 2015, 21:53

I have upgraded mahara 1.9.1 to mahara 1.10.1 and in admin home I got this warning. I tried to run upgrade but it bring me to page that tell me "Nothing to upgrade. You are fully up to date."

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

07 January 2015, 8:52

Hello Muhtajin,

I'm not aware of a Settings plugin in Mahara core. That must be a customization on your instance. I suspect that it doesn't contain any version information and thus is shown in the upgrade list as Mahara doesn't know how to proceed with it.




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

07 January 2015, 11:42

Are you using a custom theme? We made some changes to the code behind the upgrade process, and part of that involves adding a "settings" metadata entry into the array that determines what needs to be updated. It's supposed to get filtered out and not displayed in the list of things to update, but if you're using a custom theme or other custom code, then it's possible it's not getting filtered out correctly.



Muhtajin caem's profile picture
Posts: 4

07 January 2015, 15:36

Hi Aaron,


Yes, I am using custom theme, actually it is "primary school" theme with some customization dan rename it. Before I upgrade my mahara, I backup this custom theme and restore it to theme directory in mahara after mahara upgrade run successfully. The parent of my custom theme is "raw" from mahara 1.9.1

Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

12 February 2015, 13:36

You need to update your custom theme to include the changes we made in Mahara 1.10. :)

(Sorry for the slow reply!)

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