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Upgrade to 1.10.0 Fail

Rocky YIP's profile picture
Posts: 28

24 November 2014, 20:42

I just tried an upgrade from 1.6.1 to 1.10.0 but fail.

Our system using MySQL  version 5.6.19 and PHP version 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS. I got the following error while the upgrade installer trying to upgrade the core from 1.6.1 to 1.10.0:


  :( Failed to get a recordset: mysqli error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'Arial' for key 'skinfont_nam_uk'] in adodb_throw(INSERT INTO "skin_fonts" ("name", "title", "licence", "previewfont", "variants", "fonttype", "onlyheading", "fontstack", "genericfont") VALUES ('Arial', 'Arial', 'GPL-2.0.txt', 'NimbusSansL.ttf', 'a:4:{i:0;a:3:{s:7:\"variant\";s:7:\"regular\";s:11:\"font-weight\";s:6:\"normal\";s:10:\"font-style\";s:6:\"normal\";}i:1;a:3:{s:7:\"variant\";s:4:\"bold\";s:11:\"font-weight\";s:4:\"bold\";s:10:\"font-style\";s:6:\"normal\";}i:2;a:3:{s:7:\"variant\";s:6:\"italic\";s:11:\"font-weight\";s:6:\"normal\";s:10:\"font-style\";s:6:\"italic\";}i:3;a:3:{s:7:\"variant\";s:10:\"bolditalic\";s:11:\"font-weight\";s:4:\"bold\";s:10:\"font-style\";s:6:\"italic\";}}', 'common', 0, '\'Arial\', \'Helvetica\', \'Nimbus Sans L\', \'FreeSans\'', 'sans-serif'), ) Command was: INSERT INTO "skin_fonts" ("name", "title", "licence", "previewfont", "variants", "fonttype", "onlyheading", "fontstack", "genericfont") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) and values was (Arial,Arial,GPL-2.0.txt,NimbusSansL.ttf,a:4:{i:0;a:3:{s:7:"variant";s:7:"regular";s:11:"font-weight";s:6:"normal";s:10:"font-style";s:6:"normal";}i:1;a:3:{s:7:"variant";s:4:"bold";s:11:"font-weight";s:4:"bold";s:10:"font-style";s:6:"normal";}i:2;a:3:{s:7:"variant";s:6:"italic";s:11:"font-weight";s:6:"normal";s:10:"font-style";s:6:"italic";}i:3;a:3:{s:7:"variant";s:10:"bolditalic";s:11:"font-weight";s:4:"bold";s:10:"font-style";s:6:"italic";}},common,0,'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'Nimbus Sans L', 'FreeSans',sans-serif)
Call stack (most recent first):
  • insert_record("skin_fonts", object(stdClass)) at /var/www/html/mah1-10-0-upg/lib/skin.php:1284
  • install_skins_default() at /var/www/html/mah1-10-0-upg/lib/db/upgrade.php:2579
  • xmldb_core_upgrade("2012080606") at /var/www/html/mah1-10-0-upg/lib/upgrade.php:356
  • upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /var/www/html/mah1-10-0-upg/admin/upgrade.json.php:86

24 November 2014, 22:46


The quick and dirty way would be, maybe, to

  • export all your skins
  • delete all fonts and skins in your Mahara
  • upgrade to 1.10
  • reimport the skins (and the fonts)

Sorry for your upgrade problems


Rocky YIP's profile picture
Posts: 28

25 November 2014, 12:06


How can I export skins in 1.6.1?


Best Rgds,



25 November 2014, 20:45


Sorry I haven't noticed that your are on 1.6, having seen a skin problem in your message I assumed you were on 1.8, because skins is a core feature from 1.8 onward.

Have you maybe installed the skin plugin developped by Gregor Anzelj which is avaible from version 1.6 (as long as I remember) ?

In that case, it would be more tricky to upgrade.

In my opinion, but certainly programmers on this forum would have a better idea, if I were in your position I would consider upgrading to 1.7 (or if you can't just stay with 1.6) and then export in bulk (experimental feature: all the portoflio in Leap2A format.

Then install a clean 1.10 Mahara version and reimport in bulk all the exported portfolios.


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

26 November 2014, 13:20

Hi Rocky,

I tested the 1.6.1 -> 1.10.0 upgrade process in MySQL on my local computer just now (using MySQL 5.5, PHP 5.4, and Ubuntu 14.04) and I was able to upgrade without any problem.

From that error, it looks like perhaps you somehow ran the upgrade script twice on the same database? If you haven't done so already I'd recommend rolling back to a backup before the upgrade attempt, and simply trying it again.

If you have already tried that, then maybe look at your 1.6.1 database and make sure that it doesn't already have a "skin_fonts" table.



Rocky YIP's profile picture
Posts: 28

01 December 2014, 20:02

Hi Aaron,

I tried your suggestion by rolling back to our backup and start the upgrade. This time I got this error: Failed to upgrade.

There is no any additional information about the failure.

How can I get more information about the problem?


I have tried both MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 for this upgrade.


Best Rgds,



Rocky YIP's profile picture
Posts: 28

02 December 2014, 14:19

Hi Aaron,

I tried an upgrade from 1.6.1 data to 1.9.4 and this time the upgrade can be completed without problem.

Then, I tried to upgrade from 1.9.4 to 1.10.1 and got the same error while the upgrader trying to upgrade the "core" from 1.9.4 to 1.10.1. The GUI give this error: "Failed to Upgrade". No additional information was prompted.


Any idea about this error?


Best Rgds,



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

04 December 2014, 21:40

Hi Rocky,

Were there any errors in the error log?




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

10 December 2014, 16:53

Hi Rocky,

The 1.6.1 -> 1.9.4 -> 1.10.1 upgrade path works for me. :)

Can you paste in the full error stack? (Like the one you posted in your first comment?)

If you don't see any error message except "Failed to upgrade", then you may need to turn on more detailed debugging messages. The easiest way to do that is to add to the bottom of your config.php file this line:





anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

27 January 2015, 21:24



We have exatly the same problem that we cant upgrade from 1,5 or 1,6,10 it all fails.

With duplicate errors. or this one:


Failed to get a recordset: mysqli error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'export_cleanup_old_exports' for key 'cron_cal_uk'] in adodb_throw(INSERT INTO "cron" ("callfunction", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "dayofweek") VALUES ('export_cleanup_old_exports', '0', '3,13', '*', '*', '*'), ) Command was: INSERT INTO "cron" ("callfunction", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "dayofweek") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) and values was (export_cleanup_old_exports,0,3,13,*,*,*)

Call stack (most recent first):
  • insert_record("cron", object(stdClass)) at /data/mahara-1.9.4/htdocs/lib/db/upgrade.php:272
  • xmldb_core_upgrade("2009051201") at /data/mahara-1.9.4/htdocs/lib/upgrade.php:297
  • upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /data/mahara-1.9.4/htdocs/admin/upgrade.json.php:79

Please advise

They tried an in plce upgrade in November adn that failed.

They just backed the files back to old version but they forgot to restore mysql db so iam guessing the database or update script Thinks it has Another version. How is this fixable? Why is the update script written in a bad way? It all fails if there is already the right values in DB why dont the script just continue then.


PLEASE NEED HELP fixing this.


// Kristoffer

Lund University Sweden


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