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Question about tags

Mark Pearson's profile picture
Posts: 15

11 October 2014, 8:56

Is the following possible in Mahara 1.9?

I'd like tag components of a portfolio page with tags of the form - JMM:Public programming:tours and then have a tag cloud that displays all pages for all users that use the same tag. I'm hoping to use tags to aggregate pages with similar content from different users across the system.

But in practice I'm finding that I cannot use any non-alphanumeric character in a tag and that they seem to be limited in scope.


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

13 October 2014, 12:43

Hi Mark,

1. I tested it in my local Mahara 1.9 instance and I was able to create tags with non-alphanumeric characters. In fact I created one called "JMM:Public programming:tours" Smile. Mahara tags are comma-separated, so if you meant those to be three separate tags, you'd need to tag them as "JMM, Public programming, tours".

2. You're right about the limited scope of tags in Mahara. You've probably noticed the "Tag cloud" sideblock, but it's limited to showing the user's own tags. There's not currently a way to show a tag cloud with tags from multiple users, although from a technical standpoint, it would probably be possible to implement that as a 3rd-party block plugin.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

02 November 2014, 17:14

Hello Mark,

While you cannot see a tag cloud for all tags that you have access to for other users, you can search for individual tags that others have used on the "Shared with me" page and also in the fulltext search if you have that installed (the Elasticsearch functionality). Thus, if your students are required to use a certain tag, you can find their pages through the tag as long as they already gave you access to their pages.




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