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How to import LEAP2A to existing User

Rocky YIP's profile picture
Posts: 28

07 October 2014, 1:41

I want to know how to import LEAP2A to existing User in v1.9.

Any suggestion?

07 October 2014, 2:36


As a user you go under the menu called "Portfolio". A submenu is then available with the item "Import".

You then browse to select a valid Leap2A file and you follow the instruction on screen.



Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

07 October 2014, 17:27

Hi Rocky,

Here's the page about it from the user manual:

If you don't see the import tab, it may be because your site doesn't have the PHP XML module installed, or your server has the unzip utility at a location other than the default /usr/bin/unzip, which you can fix by adding a $cfg->pathtounzip directive to your config.php file.



Paul Raper's profile picture
Posts: 31

22 April 2015, 7:09

I have tried today to export from one Mahara to another. Firstly, I don't see all the option boxes that the manual tells me should see, but in the export, Mahara delivers a zip file with all my data in it. Now comes the tricky bit. I have created myself an account in the target Mahara, but when I then import that same zip file, nothing is actually imported.

Any thoughts on this one?
Paul Raper's profile picture
Posts: 31

22 April 2015, 20:43

An additional point I'd like to raise is this. When I try to import the LEAP2 archive, not only is no physical data pulled in, but it appears that I can't log out, nor log in: I'm kind of left in limbo. The only way to log in is to clear all caches from the browser close it and then restart it.

Again, any thoughts would be appreciated.
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

23 April 2015, 16:51

Hello Paul,

Can you please provide a screenshot of what you see? The screenshot in the user manual is the standard one when you have the export activated in the extensions. Can you please check that you have both export options activated in Administration -> Extensions -> Plugin administration -> Plugin type: export?

Normally, the export does not reset your password. Something strange must have happened on your instance.

Do you have the same problem of not having any data imported when you use the Leap2A file and create a new user?

You could also try to export your user's content via the experimental bulk export. See for more information and import it through the bulk option.

And last 2 questions: Do you have the same problem on your testing server? And what version of Mahara do you have?




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