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Developers / in 1.9?

Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

09 August 2014, 7:43

Hi, is anybody using the plugin in 1.9?

I see it hasn't been updated since Mahara 1.5, but maybe it doesn't need to be?

Gregor Anželj's profile picture
Posts: 349

09 August 2014, 9:21

Don hi.

I have checked the plugin against Mahara 1.6 and 1.7 and it worked.

I haven't tested it under Mahara 1.8 and 1.9 but it should work (except that this plugin would need new icons - in the view/page editor).

HTH, Gregor

Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

25 August 2014, 3:41

Thanks Gregor, I think we'll be trying it out later this week in 1.9. I'll try to remember to report back here about the results.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4743

31 August 2014, 14:48

Hi Don,

Why don't you just use the Allowed iframe feature? Or do you want to allow any iframe that embedly allows?




Andrew Langford's profile picture
Posts: 23

09 September 2014, 7:02

I am struggling to have pages  from Hackpad show up in Mahara 1.9 even though a) hackpad is set as an Allowed iFrame source and b) I have plug-in installed and, when I interrogate, Hackpad shows up as a supported option.

Here is one embed code example from Hackpad (it is set as open to public) - <script src=""></script><noscript><div>View <a href="">1.1 Adaptive Un/Learning</a> on Hackpad.</div></noscript>

Using the same code I CAN have this page show up in the Book in Moodle 2.6.

If anyone can solve this for me I'd be delighted and would happily make a contribution for your time and effort.

Tobias Zeuch's profile picture
Posts: 111

09 September 2014, 20:25

Hi Andrew,

I don't have much experience neither with, hackpad nor with the plugin. But I noticed that the plugin introduces a new blocktype where you have to enter an api-key (if you didn't enter that in the configuraiton) and an url of the site you are displaying. From your example I would say you have to use as an url. 

The response from the, however, is in link format and that's displayed as a pure text by the blocktype. 

I guess, the blocktype could render the link into something more fancy, though I'm not sure how uniform the output from the different sites is. And the load of text (that's hidden in the javascript-file from the embedd-code you provided) doesn't appear in what's sent to the plugin. 

Not sure, if that's all that you get from hackpad or if you can change the output of the hackpad-element to something else. Whats the output that you get in moodle, is it the text with a link below or do you get the complete content from hackpad embedded in to the page?


Dirk Meyer's profile picture
Posts: 425

10 September 2014, 10:11

Hi Andrew,

my work around is below. Unfortunately it's completely useless to most mahara users, but perhaps a good demonstration that embedding into mahara is still a pain.

Under Administration->Extensions->Allowed iframe sources, add as a allowed source. Then got to bitdotly and shorten your URL

Then, use a textbox and in the HTML, enter this <p><iframe src="http://bitdotly/1pMOf99" width="800" height="1200"></iframe></p>

Here is the end result:

ps. bitdotly seems blacklisted


Andrew Langford's profile picture
Posts: 23

11 September 2014, 10:59

Hi Tobias, hi Dirk

Thanks to both of you for your replies. Dirk's workaround looks like the best option right now so I'll go with that, at least for a test case.

What I am attempting here is to have my content archived and kept up to date in one place (one that allows for multiple editors and authors) - that's the function of Hackpad in this case - and then to be able to post this content using embed code in multiple locations - Moodle being one, Drupal another (on our public website) and Mahara the other (in Mahara I can allow readers to comment on each page if they so wish - I can't do that with Moodle but I do need the tracking aspect of Moodle to know what student are reading and what they leave out ...

I am probably one of those who really appreciates the thought that Mahara might extend into a simple LMS one day - it only needs a few additions to work like that for me and, I am already prototyping a use scenario that allows Gaia U to host other congruent organizations that are more focussed on project management than portfolios ...

The more I work with Mahara the closer I think it could get to be a much needed, almost all singing and dancing platform for informal but extensive world-change oriented networks ... other folks favor Drupal but I've been down that track and got burned before ...

Anyway, thanks for the Hackpad work-around - will report how it goes here later ...

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4743

02 November 2014, 19:16

Hello Andrew,

You cannot embed Hackpad with the "Allowed iframe sources" functionality in Mahara because the embed code is not an iframe. ;-) Mahara strips out any <script> code that it does not understand. You could create a simple filter to allow Hackpad code through (similarly to how we allow YouTube and some others to be embedded by URL and not only iframe code).




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

11 December 2014, 15:37

Hi Andrew,

If you're interested in the idea of Mahara as an LMS, check out my brainstorming thread about that from last April:



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