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Forum block

MarionMacDonald's profile picture
Posts: 199

13 March 2014, 1:35

I've set up five pages within a group, each on different subjects. I have corresponding forums for each subject area.   I had the idea of bringing the forum block onto each page to display the most recent posts from the corresponding forum but it doesn't seem to work that way?


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

13 March 2014, 10:57

Sorry, the "Recent forum posts" block as currently written, displays posts from all the forums in the selected group.



MarionMacDonald's profile picture
Posts: 199

13 March 2014, 22:05

Ah well, it might be one for the feature requests if other people would find this useful.  In the meantime, I've opted for a link to each forum and that's fine.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 35

17 September 2014, 2:31

Definitely a must, I was wondering why it was set up like this!

On a different note I am wondering why in group forums when you reply to a post in the middle of a topic thread it puts your reply all the way at the bottom of the thread and does't show which post you were replying to, unless you reply to that reply. I couldn't find a place to put this question...

Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

18 September 2014, 11:26

Replies should be able to show up underneath the specific message you're replying to, unless you've got the forum set to "No indent":



kalli benetos's profile picture
Posts: 22

19 November 2015, 23:19

Just jumping in to say it is good that all the forum postings of a group  appear on the group homepage as is currently the case, but it would be very useful to be able to select which forums latest posts appear within the forum bloc on an individual page, whether it be a group page or an individual's page.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

02 December 2015, 8:13

Hello Kalli,

Thanks for your functionality suggestion. It's already on our wishlist:




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