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LTI as an alternative for Mahoodle?

Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

03 March 2014, 5:29

I'm reviewing options for using Mahoodle as an ?ongoing combined PLE/eportfolio and am intrigued by the fact that Moodle has LTI and that several ePortfolios, including Mahara appear to have LTI capability, as listed here:

This was briefly discussed in 2011 is a discussion titled "Provider Basic LTI Plugin":
...but not much since. Does anyone know about this?

Strikes me that this might be a better way of maintaining sync with Moodle versions re such functions as assignment submission, etc. A great way for Mahara to stick to its knitting and for LMS's and other things (like Wordpress) to stick to theirs.

Just askin'....

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

03 March 2014, 6:53

Hello Don,

We had reviewed LTI functionality to build an updated Mahara assignment submission plugin. See but that hasn't panned out so far.




Anne Stevens's profile picture
Posts: 6

03 March 2014, 9:20


This looks of interest to us in the area of functionality of locked submissions and archiving once signed off as completed.

I read the wiki Kristina and looks like this area has been discussed.

Our challenge is when we have collections submitted, they stay in the list and this makes it messy for the group co-ordinator to identify which have been completed and which are waiting for assessment.

Also the requirement ot have some flexibility for the assessor to mark the work then once its complete lock it then and archive. Although not sure what archive actually means in the Mahara world - haven't got that far yet.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 34

05 June 2014, 14:38

Hi Anne,

The University of Canberra has just signed of on funding Catalyst IT to swap MNET with LTI in the Moodle Assignment plugin and consequently add LTI support to Mahara (the plugin is the one created by Ruslan Kabalin and supported by Catalyst IT).  

This work will also provide the archiving of graded (regraded) portfolios.

Catalyst IT will begin work next week.


Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

05 June 2014, 23:34

Hi Shane:

This is great news and another example of University of Canberra stepping up for the Mahara community - kudos!

Re archiving, it seems from the wiki link that it's a Leap2A version, i.e. not human readable online, so for audit investigation purposes only.

Pity...being Open Badges mad at the moment, I was hoping that the archive could be a URL for the Evidence field in a Badge. This work is obviously specc'd out already...but maybe a future version?

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 34

06 June 2014, 16:51

Thanks Don, I was just thinking in response that once the major LTI work is done someone could add an administration option allowing a choice of one (or more) export formats.

So a switch to toggle between Leap2A and HTML sounds like it should be fairly straight forward.

Checkboxes to choose one or more export formats could be a lot, or a little, more work (ie. larger changes to backend code as well as admin and user interfaces).


Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

26 July 2014, 6:43

Hi Shane:

Just picking up on this, since I'm doing some work for a university in Canada. They want to know what they can do about archiving while waiting for your LTI upgrade.

Looks like you set up the Assignment so that students submit not only the link but a manually produced export as described here:

Is that correct?


Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

26 July 2014, 9:18

Actually, now that I look at it more closely, it seems that students a re uploading Word files, but it could also be Leap2A or html files, no?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 34

26 July 2014, 9:50

Hi Don,
That's right. The plugin as it currently stands allows the teacher to setup multiple submission types in the one assignment. Effectively allowing a portfolio and other files to be submitted at the same time. This might be a portfolio plus a leap2a file export.
This approach adds work for students but leaves a zip in the moodle archives.
Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

26 July 2014, 10:50

Thanks Shane.

Looks like my further exploration below is too complicated, since the Mahara Assignment submission can accommodate a file upload.


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