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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Emergency Help, Please

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

19 January 2014, 4:43


We just installed the latest version and have integrated it successfully with Moodle 2.5. I have class starting on Monday (20th).

I built the course around groups. I assumed that their could be group pages, portfolios and group assignment/submissions. However, as I try to make the final touches this weekend, I find that I may have made a mistake. I can't find the possiblitity in Mahara.

Is it possible to have -

1. In Mahara, group pages and porfolios?

2. In Moodle I can have group assignments, but can my groups in Mahara submit group assignments? (I know a variant question.)

My alternatives are not good as I have weekly group assignments. I hav tell the student to select 1 member as a submitter and they have to submit the assignment to Moodle. But even this is problematic as how would they work on the group pages, collections, etc. in Mahara.


I hope that I am in error and there is an stratight forward solution that I have missed.

 do need your help, please. The clock is ticking.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

20 January 2014, 13:35

Hello Profezor,

You can create group pages and portfolios that are edited by all members of the group. At the moment, you can though only submit an individual's pages to Moodle via the Mahara Assignment Submission plugin. Hence, one member of the group would need to copy the page into their own portfolio and then submit it. I think you should still be able to set up the Moodle assignment as group assignment so that only one person needs to submit the portfolio.

All the best


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

21 January 2014, 8:46


Yes, that is the way we have to go for now. I need to get a programmer to ad these group features in teh near future though.




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

21 January 2014, 12:27

It should be possible to extend the Moodle-Mahara assignment plugin to allow for submitting Mahara group pages to Moodle. You'd want to take the step where you choose the page from your Portfolio, and add an option to instead select a page from a group you belong to.

There might be a little bit of weirdness when you lock (on the Mahara side) a group page, though. One member of the group could submit the page to Moodle, and then it would be locked and no one in the group would be able to edit it. It would probably be best to add a setting to the Mahara group config page, to indicate whether or not members are allowed to submit that group's pages to Moodle. And then you could leave that turned off except in the student study groups.

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