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Block Title of "Text Box" is a Hyperlink

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

27 September 2013, 3:23

We noticed that the block title of "Text Box" is a hyperlink. Is this a new feature of 1.7? Is there a way to remove it?


Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

27 September 2013, 12:46

Hi Adam,

In 1.4 we added a standalone "artefact page" that lets you view the details of a particular artefact

In 1.5 we updated the text boxes to use a "Note" artefact on the back end so that he same text could be re-used on multiple pages

As a combination of these, the Text Box title is now a link that takes you to the artefact page for the underlying Note.

I'm not super-happy with the UI for Notes, becaus it's overkill in most cases. Most of the time when a person uses a Text Box on their page, they probably just want to put some text on their page, in just that one place. So, we're considering making more of a separation between once-only Text Boxes and reusable notes in 1.9. See also

In the meantime, there is no feature to disable that hyperlink. You'll have to make a small code change to do it: Go into htdocs/artefact/internal/blocktype/textbox/lib.php and add this function to the definition of the PluginBlocktypeTextbox class:

    public static function has_title_link() {
        return false;



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

29 September 2013, 16:54

[cross posting from Facebook for additional info to what Aaron already said]

Hi Adam,

It's been like that for a long time because a text box is an artefact like files etc. And you can always get to the artefacts details page that way. On that page you can also make comments if the authors allowed them.




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