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Customizing login screen

Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

11 November 2013, 17:42

Oh, good point, I forgot about that. The Dashboard page shows content from three sources really:

1. The "Dashboard text" that the site admin can edit via "Configuration -> Edit site pages"

2. The "Homepage Information" box (aka the new user cheat-sheet), defined in the template file homeinfo.tpl

3. The user-editable Blocks, which are originally copied from the default Dashboard template page I was describing above.

So you really have to consider which parts of these you want to let institutions customize. (#2, homeinfo.tpl, is part of the theme, so it's already customizable per-institution by using a custom theme)



Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

12 November 2013, 1:12

Having both a public page with a login block (ie a homemade logged out page) and a institutional admin configured/themed Dashboard would be a great combo, to maintain a seamless user experience.

My vote would be to keep leaning to default vs. no user control. I'm trying to promote the Dashboard as a PLE interface. Is any one else doing this?

In any case, I really like the thinking in this thread (not necessarily my own) and would love to see tangible outcomes; should I create a bug report?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

13 November 2013, 14:50

Hello Don,

Sure, create a wishlist item. Since we started discussing things here already, a pointer to this forum wpould be good to also avoid having to rewrite everything.




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

11 November 2013, 13:44

Hi Don,

In answer to your question, a Block with the login form in it, like I described, would probably be a relatively small coding task. Blocks are a pretty easy Plugin type to make (use one of the existing blocks under htdocs/blocktype as a starting point), and the code to display the login form is already present, although you might need to tweak the Block's CSS to make the form look right.



Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

24 November 2013, 5:29

Just added a bug request for the login block:

Don Presant's profile picture
Posts: 255

24 November 2013, 5:46

And another for the institution Dashboard page:

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