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Pedagogy /
A course plugin/feature

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 19

17 June 2013, 10:06

Is there a plugin for courses which have different sections and possible a section where it can be assessed by an institution staff or admin?

Or is mahara already able to do this? If so please give me some ideas of where to get this feature working.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

17 June 2013, 16:15

Hello Delvon,

I'm not aware of such a plugin. Mahara's assessment features are currently limited, but can be added. Currently, those that use Moodle as well do the assessment part in Moodle and use the Mahara assignment submission plugin for example to push content to Moodle.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 19

20 June 2013, 11:06

Thanks for that Kristina. The project I am working on though is Mahara on its own for now and just wanted to know what's the best way of setting up courses. I was thinking of customising a journal page with the required info and then staff could assess by giving feedback. I would hard code it that feedback is allowed by default.

Are there other ways or better eays anyone has done this in the past?



20 June 2013, 22:54


You could maybe consider that a group in Mahara becomes a class with the same methophores: a place to discuss (forums), a place to get information (group pages created by group tutors or admin), a place to push information (group pages created by group members)...



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

21 June 2013, 10:56

Hello Delvon,

If you have Mahara stand-alone, I'd also set up a group for each class as dajan suggests.

You can then create class resources in the group itself and students could submit pages to the class for assessment or share pages with everyone in the class. Students can then use the journal functionality for example.




Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

21 June 2013, 11:15


Is there an easy way to set up "group templates" that could auto-populate pages and stuff into new groups?


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

21 June 2013, 14:03

Hello Aaron,

Not in core. You can set up institution pages / site pages / collections and have those added to a new user's portfolio automatically, but nothing for groups.




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