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Make Mahara assignment type work with Moodle 2.3+

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 51

21 June 2013, 23:06

news, many thanks, all this is good news, I would like to add another voice for collection support. Our use of mahara is moving into the 3rd year and growing both within the Language centre (5 langs rather than 3 last year, about 150 students) and beyond with our international partners in France.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 3

25 June 2013, 21:45

I would also support the need for collections. After one years use of Mahara with many thousands of students their use is growing from the single page approach to collection of pages. By the en of their respective courses, collections will be the only option for assessment

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 214

25 June 2013, 23:08

I've just opened a discussion on the Moodle GDF at to discuss the method of locking that Ruslan suggests.

As it stands, whilst we can lock the pages in Mahara when an tutor in Moodle manually locks that assignment submission, there is currently no way to automatically lock the submission when the deadline passes. We cannot rely on cron as there is no guarantee on the timeliness or frequency of cron. Therefore we could get into a situation where users are able to edit their pages after they have been submitted, and after the deadline but before marking.

I'm also concerned that the model for this breaks somewhat if users are able to submit a page, and yet still make changes. If users are not 100% aware that this is the case, they could submit a page to Moodle but it not be locked. They can then continue making changes (or even delete that page) without realising that their changes do indeed affect their submission.

Any additional thoughts on the Moodle forum would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


Ruslan Kabalin's profile picture
Posts: 146

07 September 2013, 4:08

Just an update, that we have made our version of Mahara assignment plugin available at:

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

28 February 2014, 0:37

Hi Kristina,

Are there plans to upgrade the plugin for 2.6. I have installed and can setup a Mahara assignment but cannot get the submission page to display correctly. We would very much like to evaluate for our Moodle upgrade this summer.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

02 March 2014, 22:44

Hello Jacqui,

We have not yet released the upgraded plugin for 2.5 (waiting on client approval), but there'll hopefully only be small changes needed if at all to make it work with 2.6. I haven't tried it yet though. We'll get back to you about the upgraded plugin as soon as we have more information.




anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 25

20 July 2013, 5:23

Hi all,

I just posted in the moodle forum on this topic here

The University of Portland has just finished development of a completely updated Mahara Assignment type that works with 2.3+. Take a look at the moodle thread above for more info.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

13 August 2013, 16:12

Hello Tony,

Thank you very much for your post here and in the Moodle forum. How does your implementation of the plugin differ from Ruslan's upgrade (mentioned on page 1 of this threat)?




anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 25

14 August 2013, 9:05


I haven't seen Ruslan's plugin yet, so I'm not sure. I contacted him in hopes that we could combine our plugins into one: to save work and also not have two plugins that do the same thing floating around.

Our working version seems to be similar to what has been described by Ruslan about his plugin.

Again, I haven't seen Ruslan's verison so I can't make a comparison :( Ours does use an assignment feedback plugin to control the locking/unlocking of the mahara pages... I'm not sure that's the same method he uses.


Ruslan Kabalin's profile picture
Posts: 146

14 August 2013, 10:24

Hi guys, I can't find time at the moment to complete our version and look at the one Tony published. Regarding our plugin, 2.3, 2.4 are ready and published (not announced yet), 2.5 just needs some update to work properly with extra attempts feature introduced in 2.5. I will keep you up to date.