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Make Mahara assignment type work with Moodle 2.3+

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

16 March 2013, 4:29

I understand that the Mahara Moodle assignment plug-in type can work with the old assignment type for 2.2, but I don't necessarily find this to be a good solution, best practices-wise for the long term.

Are there any plans to create an updated plugin--especially since Moodle is now up to version 2.4?

As ePortfolio use increases along with Mahara adoption, this will become an especially valuable integration.

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

18 March 2013, 8:21

Hello Lauren,

There are no active plans as far as I am aware of because the upgrade relies on funding. However, this integration will most likely be discussed at the Mahara-Moodle Meetup in Adelaide on 8 May 2013. We might have more information about potential plans after that.

You can already view some of the plans (still made under Moodle 2.2) at



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 91

19 April 2013, 8:48

Hi Kristina,

What happened to this, was the funding just for exploritory work?

Were there any cost estimates for completing this work?

Assignment subission is quite important to our institution, we have funded development in the past and may be able to help out with this feature too, though would be more interested in seeing the existing MNET plugins overhauled.

In a nutshell what we would like to see would be:

1) Collection support

2) Snapshot submission

3) Moodle 2.3+ Assigment type

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

21 April 2013, 11:15

Hello Jez,

Thank you for your inquiry. The initial work was for exploring what would be required to change the assignment submission plugin as the University of NSW wanted some fundamental changes incl. no reliance on MNet.

We are going to have a workshop on further changes at the Moodle-Mahara Meetup in Adelaide on 8 May 2013 and can then update the specs.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 91

20 June 2013, 10:03

Hi Kristina,

Is there any update on this?

I read this:

Where it is mentioned funding is required, are there any cost estimates on that?

Has this been promoted in any way within the community, i.e. telling people this could be done and ask if anyone would be willing to fund it?

I mentioned before that we *may* be able to contribute to that, but I never heard anything back about it, finding that blog post took me some time.

It would be good to get some more info around costs for these changes.

Thanks, Jez

Ruslan Kabalin's profile picture
Posts: 146

20 June 2013, 20:25

Hello Jez, we have developed an updated version of Mahara assignment plugin that works  with new assignment type introduced in Moodle 2.3. Will will make it freely available within the month. One of related patchs needed for updated version of Mahara assignment has been integrated in Moodle already (, another one required for this feature functioning is waiting for integration (

The plugin will have all functionality of old one, some minor improvements and allow converting old Mahara assignments in Moodle to new ones.

I will post on the forum when plugin will be avaialble for download.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 91

20 June 2013, 21:13

Thanks Ruslan,

Does this plugin take a "snapshot" of the assignment and submit that as opposed to "locking", and does it support collections rather than a single page?

As I mentioned previously, we may have some budget left from the last financial year we could contribute to this if needed but time is slipping away, after which the money will not be there.


Ruslan Kabalin's profile picture
Posts: 146

20 June 2013, 22:25

Jez, it does "locking" as opposed to snapshot, but it does locking smarter way, only at the point when "editing" assignment in Moodle is not permitted (either assignment was locked by teacher or re-submission in not permitted in assignment settings). No support for collections, single page submission only.

Just talked to our learning technologist, looks like they could be interested in collection submission as well, especially if someone is ready to contribute towards it, but this will require some changes in Mahara core as well.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

21 June 2013, 11:05

Hello Ruslan,

Great. Thank you for posting. I didn't know you were already working on integrating the assignment plugin with the new assignment type.

It would be great if Aaron and I could take a sneak peek at the code to see what is now remaining and how to make the changes.




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