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Mahara/Moodle integration
Editing the Database
12 January 2013, 3:56
We are using Moodle 1.9 (I know, upgrading this year!) and Mahara 2.4.
This year we have been trialling the Mahara/Moodle assignment plugin. Generally it's been sucessful but - even with huge warning notices - students still click more than one page to submit, and these pages are then locked.
I have asked my IT guy to look into unlocking the Pages but he is unsure which aspect of the database to edit.
Can anyone shed some light as to what he needs to do to edit the Page and 'restore' it back so it's editable.
I really hope this can be fixed for Moodle 2. Has it been? Otherwise I fear it's too much of an issue for us to consider using Mahara wholesale
12 January 2013, 4:58
Third or forth post on this thread:-
I've stopped using this plug-in since moving to moodle 2 (which I'm not sure supports it anyway).
Most of our students are doing collections in anycase, not single pages.
We have moved to the slightly clunky, but very reliable method of asking the student to export the colelction as HTML and then upload the zip to a moodle assignment. The zip can then easily be passed to external examiners if required without haveing to teach them mahara or issue logins etc.
12 January 2013, 5:41
Hi Roger
Yeah, found that discussion after posting!
It does worry me a little re Moodle 2. We did previously use the zip option but it seems a little laborious and, as we use a lot of audio files for submission, will massively impact on our storage space.
Thanks though.
12 January 2013, 6:08
Seems like my IT guy has fixed this. Not ideal to edit the database each time but it'll have to do!
14 January 2013, 10:06
Hi Roger,
The plugin still works for Moodle 2. From Moodle 2.3 on the "old" assignment type needs to stay active though.