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Mahara assignment submission via LTI and archiving of submitted pages

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 91

20 June 2013, 10:07

There is an update of sorts here:

That mentionds you need funding, but I cannot find any mention of that in the community boards, surely it would make sense to promote this a little and see if there is anyone who would fund it?

Another thing to consider could be crowdfunding which has been used to fund at least one Moodle plugin I am aware of.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

21 June 2013, 11:06

Hello Jez,

As per Lancaster University made some headway and got some functionality implemented already. So we'll have to take another look at the initial proposal for the update to see what else is necessary. Your poinrts help determine that. I'll talk to our tech lead.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 34

05 June 2014, 14:36

Hi All,

The University of Canberra has just agreed to fund Catalyst IT to swap MNET with LTI in the Moodle Assignment plugin and consequently add LTI support to Mahara (the plugin is the one created by Ruslan Kabalin and supported by Catalyst IT). 

Catalyst IT will begin work next week.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

05 June 2014, 21:06

Hello all,

I'm excited that we can start on this major work. It's pretty much what is described at

So not just LTI but also archiving of submitted pages. :-)

Thank you very much, Shane, and University of Canberra.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

20 October 2014, 21:52


Just a quick update on the work. Archiving of submitted pages will be an experimental feature in Mahara 1.10 (due for release any day now :-) ). It will only work for pages submitted in Mahara. We have held off on the LTI work for Moodle at the moment as Moodle is planning to upgrade to LTI 2.

The University of Canberra has also funded the merger of the 2 Mahara assignment submission plugin versions. Please see the wiki page for more information.




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