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Link colour has changed

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 45

03 July 2012, 5:30

After our upgrade to 1.5, I'm noticing some odd little issues.

One that I don't understand is the fact that link colours have changed.

I've gone to edit a text block that previously had links in. I'm using the Aqua theme. Those links were blue. Now when I add a link, it's just plain text.

Is this due to CSS changes in the theme itself? The link is still active, I just want it blue like the rest!




04 July 2012, 11:36

I personally think you have a problem with your server.

Did you clean the server (+ restart) and browser cache after the upgrade?


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

05 July 2012, 3:49

Hello Dan,

Making some links show and others wouldn't make much sense. Wink Thus, I also think there might be something wrong on your site, a cache problem, an upgrade issue etc. If you find such strange behavior that really shouldn't happen, I recommend you check in a simple, unaltered Mahara instance and try to reproduce the questionnable behavior.

You can use for example as a reference point. Everybody has access to that and thus if you can reproduce the issue there, a developer can use the same instance and do more testing.



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