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Mobile Mahara /
What do you want to do on a mobile phone?

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Ralf Hilgenstock's profile picture
Posts: 160

08 July 2012, 4:41

Hello Kristina


  1. Read messages
  2. Create forum/journal posts
  3. Comment
  4. Upload pics (mainly photos)
  5. Add plans, mark plans
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

08 July 2012, 16:04

Hello Ralf,

Great. Thank you. Do you mean setting plans to "completed" by "mark plans"?



Ralf Hilgenstock's profile picture
Posts: 160

09 July 2012, 0:13

Hello Kristina,

@plans: I thought both, but marking as completed makes most sense for me.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 109

16 July 2012, 3:58

Great iniative! I would believe we would like to do everything that we now do on a computer. So there would be no difference if one is on a tablet, mobile phone, or a computer. Projects like Twitter's Bootstrap aim at that, as I understand it:  / Jonas Smile

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

18 July 2012, 20:08

Hello Jonas,

Thank you for your feedback. Do you think you want to do everything on a 5" screen that you can do on a 10" or larger screen?



Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

22 January 2013, 1:48


Is there any update/progress/more information on what is happening with progressing this further?

Is there anything in the pipeline?


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

03 March 2013, 19:35

Hello Wullie,

Yes, there has been progress and it can be viewed in the responsive design and the device detection that we implemented in Mahara 1.6. If you go to and use the site with the default green theme on a smartphone or a small tablet, you'll see the responsive design in use. When you turn on the device detection in your account settings, you can then also add blocks to a page without the need of drag'n drop.

Please also see



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 7

24 April 2013, 20:33

Has there been any thought about producing an app for Windows mobiles? I recently changed from Android and would like to be able to upload photos from my phone.



Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

26 April 2013, 12:17

Hi Tricia,

It's unlikely that we at Catalyst (the main developers of Mahara) will write a native Windows Phone app anytime soon, because we don't have any Windows development resources in the company.

But, the API that the Mahara Android app uses is open, and it would be quite possible for a third party to write a native Windows Phone app using it, just like the folks at BrightCookie used it to write PortfolioUp for iOS.

Another possibility, is that if Internet Explorer Mobile offers any HTML or Javascript API for accessing pictures or the camera (like these), we could probably include support for that in Mahara itself. From a quick web search I don't see any such API, though. It looks like Windows Mobile blocks direct access to the filesystem from the web browser, which means the normal "upload" screen won't work (just like on iOS).


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