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PDF Export

Stacey Walker's profile picture
Posts: 39

13 September 2011, 4:52

Hi Uwe,

I have been making some small progress with this feature in my spare time - getting a simple preview based template and a table of contents for collection exports.

I'm really keen to get it into core as well, so will continue to work on it but I feel it requires a few changes to core export functionality as well I feel to get it to work as smoothly as I would like and to just tidy up some of the export as it stands anyway.

I've opened a tracker item for this extra piece and I'll try and get some of the PDF export code into as soon as I have the time to. Or into my gitorious area for some functionality testing.

I've reallocated myself in the tracker item to keep track of it as well. 


Stacey Walker's profile picture
Posts: 39

19 April 2012, 5:00

Hi all,

Seems I haven't looked at this since Sept 2011...

I am planning on getting back into this as soon as possible, starting with the fix for the existing export issue here, and hopefully this will make it into review for the next release.

At the moment the export I have working in development is fairly simple in terms of style and I've forced it to use a cut down version of the standard theme only while it retains the page layout.  I agree that it'd be nice to be able to use different themes and if we have extended page customisation with Skins etc then it'd be definitely nice to incorporate that as well.  But for now I think I'll work on getting the guts working so it can be released and set up further plans from there.   I noticed somewhere mention of an htmlexport.css so perhaps the same could be planned for PDF as well at some stage.

So this is just a note to say that I haven't forgotten about it and am going to try and actively get this working once and for all.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

21 April 2012, 21:48

Hello Stacey,

Thanks for this update. I hope you'll have some time to work on it before its anniversary of last code changes comes around. Wink



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 9

17 July 2012, 4:05

Thanks Stacey. I'll still be very interested in this PDF export idea come to the fore.

I'm keen to know - has there (ever) been any discussion around export to DOC and/or RTF too?


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Scott Gage's profile picture
Posts: 64

05 December 2012, 12:17

Hi All,

I've recently been pointed to this as a feature request from one of my users and am struggling a bit to get it implemented. Is there anything else I need aside from the export-pdf plugin itself? Running just that always results in "Failed to create the pdf file".

Looking at the wiki I was interested in how wkhtmltopdf becomes involved but I don't want to install anything on the server without confirming if its necessary or not.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

09 December 2012, 19:54

Hello Scott,

This hasn't yet made it into core Mahara and as far as I know the development work isn't finished yet. That might be why you have issues with the code.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

05 September 2013, 1:10

Hi Kristina,

Has this progressed at all?  it would be a useful feature for assessment.  

Does anyone know if the plug-in code works with v1.7?

Many thanks (and sorry for coming to this a bit late!)


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

05 September 2013, 19:09

Hello Kirstie,

Sorry, we haven't been able to make inroads in that part of Mahara yet. It's still outstanding.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

17 December 2014, 19:48

With the increasing use of Turnitin as a means of matching student work and for electronic marking there is a need for an export function such as this. At the University of the West if Scotland we need to find a solution to this Mahara/ Turnitin integration as a matter if urgency. What would be required to bring this functionality to fruition?