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27 February 2011, 11:33

The roadmap for 1.4 seems to indicate that the Secret URL will still be available, however the testing area/site does not have that functionality.  Will the Secret URL still be a sharing option in 1.4?

François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

27 February 2011, 22:08

Hi Ellen,

It's still available, but it's pretty hard to find now. Look in "Portfolio | Share":



07 April 2011, 8:16


I'm wondering the the block and the google aps block will make it into 1.4?

François Marier's profile picture
Posts: 411

07 April 2011, 17:59

Hi Ellen,

Unfortunately it's already quite late in the development cycle for 1.4 since we are aiming to release in a few weeks.

We'll keep it in mind for 1.5 though.



26 May 2011, 21:49

If the Share tab is used to set the access level for a Page.  And that access level is set to Secret URL, how does one easily deselect the option to "allow comments"?  Does it require editing the Access level as well?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

27 May 2011, 16:15

Hello Ellen Marie,

The "Allow comments" functionality is under "Advanced Options". If you keep the checkbox ticked, everybody who has been added to the access list can comment. If you untick it, you can set the comments for each person who is on the access list individually.



P.S. GoogleApps is in 1.4. Smile

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