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Could not instantiate mail function. ERROR - something bad happened
30 November 2009, 5:07
I have installed SendMail in Ubuntu and also enabled it in PHP5's Apache Config file (php.ini) as:
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t
Rebooted the system....
Even then the mail system in Mahara doesnt work.
PS: I have manually installed Mahara from latest distribution on the site referring to the PDF documentation.
The system Config are:
Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition
Apache Web Server
Mahara works fine. Its only that its mail functionality breaks.
I have also posted it as a Bug #489053
Tried all the possible alternatives like SMTP, etc. no luck
30 November 2009, 8:46
I restarted Apache too
I have sendmail installed in Ubuntu, but still phpmailer doesnt work
Alternately I am also looking for configuring Gmail as SMTP, but Gmail requires additional configs like SSL port, etc and dont know how to edit config.php for that
13 January 2010, 18:31
We seem to be having the same problem, as I noticed it was an issue when people were adding people as friends on the site.
Is their a solution to this yet or any way just to turn off the sending of emails so that this error doesnt come up. In our site, turning off the sending of emails would probably be the best option, however I cant see any settings in the site or the config file to do this?
14 January 2010, 16:34
You can turn off emails by adding
$cfg->sendemail = false;
to your config.php file.
There are a quite a few reasons why php might not be able to send email. It might help to take a look at some of the old threads on this subject.