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Event: Mahara Hui Tāmaki Makaurau, 4 September 2024

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

24 July 2024, 8:00

Hello everyone,

I'm excited about our upcoming Mahara Hui ('hui' means 'gathering' in te reo Māori) in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland because it's our chance to learn from each other and share portfolio ideas. We are holding this event in person at the Ko Awatea Centre at Middlemore Hospital on 4 September 2024 and invite everyone who's in the region to attend:

  • 9:45: Arrival; tea and coffee
  • 10:00: Welcome and general Mahara update on subscriptions and the future of the Mahara project
  • 10:30: UX changes and invitation for feedback
  • 11:15: Show and tell of your organisation's portfolio work (all attendees share this time slot)
  • 12:15: Shared lunch; sponsored by Catalyst
  • 13:15: Breakout rooms: discuss specific topics that interest you
  • 14:15: Sharing of preliminary ideas or results from the breakout rooms
  • 14:45: Remaining questions and farewell

While many of you are not in Aotearoa New Zealand, I did want to share this event more broadly to invite others to organise similar half-day events that resemble a meet-up. We are partnering with our clients using Healthcare Portfolio to bring this event to our community and purposely made it a regional one to make it easier for locals to attend at minimal cost, administrative, and logistical overhead.

If you want to plan a similar event and would like to announce it to the wider community, let me know. If you are planning it for November this year in Europe, I'd also love to come along if possible.

Have a great day


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