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Invite to participate in usability research

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

15 January 2024, 13:59


In December 2023 during the roadmap sessions, I mentioned that we are conducting a review of what Mahara portfolios look like. That is part of a wider usability review. We would like to invite you and learners and instructors from your organisation to participate in this review to inform it.

This would be a one-on-one online session of no more than 1 hour with one of our Catalyst usability experts who would be asking some questions and observe you navigating your portfolio, creating and updating content or doing so on a sample portfolio if you prefer not to show your own content.

We would be using the open source webinar platform Big Blue Button hosted on our servers in New Zealand and record the session. The recording would only be used internally in our team at Catalyst and deleted once we've completed the usability review.

The aim is to observe how people creating portfolios navigate Mahara. We are interested to talk with people who have been using Mahara for some time, but also those rather new to creating portfolios with Mahara, those that use templates as basis and those that create a portfolio from scratch. If you are mainly a consumer of portfolios and grade them, please get in touch as well.

If you'd like to participate, please email us so we can arrange a time. Let us know in which time zone you live and what time during your day we could schedule a meeting.

Thank you
Mahara Project Lead

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