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Event: AI and portfolios webinar 4: What's on your mind?

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

10 January 2024, 9:12


Throughout 2023, conversations around artificial intelligence (AI) and portfolios have increased. It was the topic of the AAEEBL Annual Meeting, we’ve held webinars in the second half of the year, and publications abound on how to leverage AI in education.

We would like to take time to take stock and share what we have learned collectively and see what questions have not yet been answered. Are you actively using AI in your portfolio practice? What issues are you grappling with, either technically or pedagogically? How has AI impacted the portfolio work of your students? These are but a few questions that we want to explore with you.

Learn from and with each other on this topic that has become an important one in our lives and support each other to make sense of benefits and issues as part of your ethical portfolio practice.

The AAEEBL Digital Ethics Task Force organises and facilitates this webinar on 28 February, 3:00-4:30pm PST, with support from AAEEBL, ePortfolios Australia, and Eportfolio Ireland.

See you at the event live if your time zone allows for it.


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