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Annotation blocks - differences when accessed from different places

Yvonne Moore's profile picture
Posts: 35

22 September 2023, 3:28


We have some academics preparing to use SmartEvidence framework (SEF) for the first time (at our institution) and we've come across some odd behaviour we don't understand.

If staff want to 'change status' and 'place feedback' in the Annotation block, accessing from the SEF overview page, we get different functionality compared to accessing from the Page itself.

  1. The SEF overview page, when clicking an icon from the table, reveals the annotation block panel which seems to display 2 forms - one for changing the status and one for placing feedback.  If you change the status and click Save the panel closes, and you have to open it again to place feedback.  
  2. In contrast, if you visit the page where the annotation block is placed, and open it there, it's possible to change the status and place feedback in one go (there is only 1 form).

Is this a bug?  If not, why would they be different?  And is it possible to fix it so that both routes result in the same functionality (the second option with 1 form)?

Best wishes




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

22 September 2023, 8:41

Hi Yvonne,

I don't know why the forms are different, but we can look into aligning them if you'd like to sponsor that project.

For the time being, the workaround would be to place feedback first on the annotation when opening it from the SmartEvidence overview page, click 'Place feedback' and then do the assessment and save that. Then the form stays open until the assessment is saved.

Thank you


Yvonne Moore's profile picture
Posts: 35

22 September 2023, 22:08

Hi Kristina

Can I check how this works in your subscription model.  If someone highlights a problem i.e. an unhelpful feature that isn't there by design (maybe a bug?) then would the Issue resolution of up to 20 hours per year (Enterprise tier) cover the fix?  Or would you still be expecting a 'sponsor' to pay for the fix?  And if a fix is created, does that get sent out in a maintenance release (for those on both standard and enterprise tiers) or would it require waiting for the annual upgrade?







Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

25 September 2023, 9:27

Hi Yvonne,

Thank you for the question. Support hours can be used for such fixes if it can be done within that amount of time. You would then get the updated code to apply to your instance of Mahara, and depending on the categorisation, it may go into a maintenance release if it is of high priority or into the next new version release. That process is the same as it has been in the past.

Thank you


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