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Blank page when trying to configure a new institution with XML-RPC (Mahoodle)

Ylber Ukzmaili's profile picture
Posts: 1

15 December 2022, 21:30


We're a professional school center in Switzerland with about 10'000 students and we'd like to try Mahara and connect it to our Moodle platform.

I've set up a virtual server with the latest version of Debian CLI, PHP 7.4 and Apache2.

I installed Mahara 22.10 and it ran fine, I'd no errors.

I followed the documentation to link Mahara to our Moodle and got stuck at the step "Add new authentication plugin (XMLRPC) to the institution".

When I select the "XLRPC" plugin in the "Authentication Plugin" dropdown list and then click the "Add" button, a menu opens on the right side that's empty, as shown in the first attached image.

When I close this menu, it returns to the "Institution" page and displays some errors that can be seen in the second attached image.

I've installed the php-xmlrpc package and the plugin is also enabled in php.ini.

Thank you very much for your help!

Jackie Heenan's profile picture
Posts: 9

15 December 2022, 22:12

I would like to add that we have also replicated this on 22.10  but not only with new institutions but all existing institutions cannot be edited as the XML-RPC settings page is blank.

This is the error it produces

[WAR] d2 (lib/errors.php:529) [TypeError]: Return value of ApplicationSet::current() must be an instance of mixed, instance of Application returned at /var/www/mahara/docroot/lib/applicationset.php:45Call stack (most recent first):

  • exception(object(TypeError)) at Unknown:0

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4740

16 December 2022, 16:07

Hi Jackie and Ylber,

We haven't seen that error message yet and would need to investigate further. However, I would recommend not using MNet any more but work with LTI instead. When you move to PHP 8, the XML-RPC plugin won't be available pre-compiled. Moodle is thinking of removing MNet, and we, the Mahara core development team, are not putting efforts into keeping MNet alive. All our development efforts are focused on the LTI integration, which is easier to set up and is also better with the Mahara assignment submission plugin for Moodle (web services edition) where you can archive portfolios.

Since you are at the start of your setup, I suggest you start with LTI straight away.

Thank you


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

22 December 2022, 16:45

Hi Jackie,

I encountered this error as part of testing another bug.

The fix I applied for this error is on this change

Please try that change to see if makes a difference




Jackie Heenan's profile picture
Posts: 9

22 December 2022, 22:18

Hi Robert


 Yes, it worked a treat we now have a functioning settings page.


Thank you so much.


Do you know if it will be patched to the 22.10 version?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4740

23 December 2022, 11:22

Hi Jackie,

The patch is already on the Mahara 22.10_DEV branch and will be released in the next minor point update (no date set yet). You can get it though directly from there / check if it looks like the code that you had tested.

Thank you


Jackie Heenan's profile picture
Posts: 9
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