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Add users to a Mahara institution from a CSV file

Juan Menéndez's profile picture
Posts: 36

15 November 2022, 1:12


I would like to know if it is possible to add users to a Mahara institution from a CSV file, in the same way that it can be done with groups.

My problem is that I need to add 2743 users to a specific institution and from the current Mahara menus it is impossible to do this.

Thank you very much



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4744

16 November 2022, 15:54

Hi Juan,

Yes, you can add people to an institution via CSV. If they don't yet have an account, you can upload a CSV file with their information. If the accounts already exist on your site, you have two options:

  • In Admin menu → Institutions → Members you can add and remove people in batches. That's useful if you don't have to search for them, i.e. if you are moving big groups of people alphabetically.
  • Mahara 22.10 comes with the option to move people from one institution into another via the interface in the same place where you create or update accounts. That's not yet documented, hence no link.

If neither of these are options, then a move via the database would be your best choice.



Juan Menéndez's profile picture
Posts: 36

16 November 2022, 22:45

Hi Kristina,

Thank you very much for your answer.

The users that I want to move to a new institution already exist, therefore I think the best option will be to do it in the database.


Could you tell me which is the specific field or the specific table of the database that I must modify?


Thank you very much :-)




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4744

21 November 2022, 10:52

Hi Juan,

There are three tables that require updates:

  • usr: Change 'authinstance' for each person who should be changed
  • auth_remote_user: Change the 'authinstance' for each person
  • usr_institution: Change the institution by using the institution shortname.

As usual, please give it a go on your test instance first / change one account before you make sweeping changes.

Thank you


Juan Menéndez's profile picture
Posts: 36

21 November 2022, 20:48

Hi Kristina,

Thank you very much for your answer and for your help.



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