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Mahara and cloud

Eric Tanguy's profile picture
Posts: 13

30 June 2022, 23:07


in my university, students have a cloud storage access (nextcloud) and we recommand to put large files (including videos) on it. I know we can create a secret link to a file on the cloud and put il in Mahara pages but is there something to more integrate the 2 and to easily include resources from the cloud on Mahara pages (videos for example) ?

Kind regards



Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

04 July 2022, 11:30

Hi Eric,

Mahara itself doesn't do cloud storage but there is currently this plugin that allow connections to AWS or Azure for remote file storage.

It might be able to be extended to handle nextcloud also




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

05 July 2022, 14:32

Hi Eric,

The closest I can think of is Gregor's Cloud plugin, but that doesn't yet support NextCloud and could benefit from a general update as it's not been updated for recent versions of Mahara yet. Since NextCloud is a fork of OwnCloud, maybe there is some code that could be re-used though...



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