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Portfolio Import ClamAV
14 June 2022, 22:34
when trying to import portfolios and the virus checking via clamscan is activated, the upload fails.
The following error message is issued: mahara_clam_scan_file: not called correctly, read phpdoc for this function
The uploadmanager.php evaluates the following:
if (is_array($file) && is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { // it's from $_FILES
$fullpath = $tmpname;
else if (file_exists($file)) {
$fullpath = $file;
else {
throw new SystemException('mahara_clam_scan_file: not called correctly, read phpdoc for this function');
$tmpname stores a temporarily generated filepath (/tmp/phpwAoj8b) however I cannot find the location where it is supposed to be.
Mahara Version is 22.04.1
Kind regards Tobias
13 February 2025, 6:17
I have recently had this issue reported to me and it seems to happen when users upload the leap2a.xml file extracted from the zip file. I presume that there is no situation where this is something someone would want to do and they should just upload the zip file.
It might be good to get the import page updated to make it clear that the zip file should be uploaded. At the moment it talks about a leap2A file which is possibly why users extract the xml file and upload it.
25 February 2025, 11:16
Hi Greg,
Thank you for the tip to update the wording for the intro text on the page. I've added that to our issue tracker.