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The 'urlsecret' parameter contains invalid characters ERROR

12 May 2022, 22:22

Hi, I'm Luis and I have a Mahara with Docker installation. Well, the system works, but I've a trouble. 

I indicate how is the installation. Mahara:

  • Version 22.10dev (2022041400)
  • Postgresql
  • Using a .env file

When it boots for the first time and I press the Install button, it gives me the error "The 'urlsecret' parameter contains invalid characters".

I see the .env file and the element calls MAHARA_URL_SECRET= is empty, and the instructions say "Set a string as the cron requires it to work correctly."

I suppose that I have to give value to that variable, what kind of string do I write? what's the point?

Thanks for your answers!

Best regards

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

16 May 2022, 11:24

Hi Luis,

Welcome to the Mahara community. It looks like you are trying to develop on Mahara as you checked out the main branch. Currently, the latest release of Mahara is 22.04. Please note that the Docker environment is for development purposes only and we appreciate feedback on how it's going for you.

The urlsecret can be a single word. It is there to protect your site from an unauthorised person running an upgrade or the cron job through the browser. See the Mahara manual for a bit more info.



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