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Draft mode in text blocks

Ralf Hilgenstock's profile picture
Posts: 160

30 April 2022, 5:50

Its possible to create a text block on a page in draft mode. I can publish the block. Is there a good reason why it isn't possible to set the block back to draft mode?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

02 May 2022, 7:45

Hi Ralf,

Once a text block has been published, it's considered to be viewable and thus could have been seen by someone. If there is a need to have it as draft again, the block content could be copied and put into a new block and that set to draft. It were possible to change the behaviour of the current block, but I'd like to hear from some more people if that were necessary. Currently, other blocks (peer assessment and portfolio review) function the same way.

Thank you


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