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Smart Evidence - Cannot re-edit annotation

Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

29 April 2022, 1:37

We've had a "concern" from our users... when students click the 'dots' in a smart evidence an annotation form appears. They can fill this in and save. 

However, it can no longer be edited by any means we can discover. Is this expected? It seems very strange. 

Mahara 21.04

Jonathan Murphy's profile picture
Posts: 11

29 April 2022, 18:58

This is a shortfall in the system we have the same problem. Also if you leave the annotation block blank it will put a blank annotation block on the page which cannot be removed.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

02 May 2022, 7:21

Hi Howard and Jonathan,

The issue with the empty annotation block when you accidentally leave a page has been resolved in Mahara 22.04. If you cannot upgrade to that version, you can ask your support provider to have the fix backported.

It is correct behaviour that you cannot update an annotation once it has been written. This was done so learners do not change the text that an assessor may have already looked at. They can use the feedback option on the block instead of make additional explanations. I think once possibility could be to allow changing the annotation if there is not already any feedback or the assessment status hasn't changed yet. If you'd like to sponsor that feature, please get in touch with me.

Thank you


Jonathan Murphy's profile picture
Posts: 11

23 August 2022, 2:50

I believe the issue of blank annotation blocks has not been resolved in 22.04.

We have just upgraded to 22.04 and I have successfully added a blank annotation block to a page.

It happens when as a student you go to a smartevidence grid and click on one of the grey dots to add an annotation block to a page.

The annotation dialogue opens, if the content is left blank and you click save it tells you the content is mandatory with a little red message.

However, if you leave the content blank and click the "X" at the top left of the annotation dialogue box to close, it puts an empty annotation block on the page with no feedback buttons. Some of our learners have managed to put up to half a dozen blank annotation blocks on the page before they manage to get one with text and feedback buttons.

Could a piece of code be written that stops the annotation dialogue box adding an annotation block to a page if the "X" in the top left corner is clicked?





Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

25 August 2022, 8:33

Hi Jonathan,

I can't replicate this problem on our demo site. Please see the attached video. Am I taking the same steps your students take? Can you please provide more information about your environment, maybe it's a particular setup.

Thank you


  • video-2022-08-25_08.31.12.webm
Jonathan Murphy's profile picture
Posts: 11

26 August 2022, 1:28

Hi Kristina 

Thank you for sending on the video which clearly shows, closing the annotation dialogue using the X does not put a blank on the page.

Please see the attached video which shows the same steps but a blank annotation block being placed on the page on my system.

There must be a setting that I am missing on my system that is allowing this to happen.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Best wishes



  • 2022-08-25_14-20-54.mp4
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

26 August 2022, 8:55

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for the video. Since you took the same steps as I did, I can only assume that your site is missing the code change we had made, which is surprising as you said you are on 22.04 and that fix had made it into 22.04.0. I had pointed to the wrong bug report earlier. It's actually the one about the empty annotation.

Can you please check your code that you have the actual changes? There are two patches:

In the middle of the screen you see the files listed that have changed. When you click on them, you can see the actual changes highlighted on the right hand side allowing you to compare them easily with your code.

I can only assume right now that these changes might not be in your codebase.

Fingers crossed


Jonathan Murphy's profile picture
Posts: 11

27 September 2022, 23:07

We still cannot get over the issue of blank annotation blocks being created when the X is clicked.

We’ve tried applying the patch 69306ce.diff  and 707bba0.diff however we get the following error when we try to apply the patch to our mahara code via git:

root@mahara-server:/srv/www/mahara# git apply 69306ce.diff

error: patch failed: htdocs/module/framework/js/matrix.js:49

error: htdocs/module/framework/js/matrix.js: patch does not apply

error: patch failed: htdocs/module/framework/matrixpoint.json.php:30

error: htdocs/module/framework/matrixpoint.json.php: patch does not apply

root@mahara-server:/srv/www/mahara# git apply 707bba0.diff

error: patch failed: htdocs/module/framework/js/matrix.js:236

error: htdocs/module/framework/js/matrix.js: patch does not apply



Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

29 September 2022, 9:13

Hi Jonathan,

It looks like you are having merge conflicts when applying those patches.

Can I get you to compare your local version of module/framework/js/matrix.js with

And your local version of module/framework/matrixpoint.json.php with

to make sure they look the same



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