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Error with sending welcome email

John Doe's profile picture
Posts: 9

11 November 2021, 4:05

Dear Mahara comunitiy,


I am trying to figure out why my Mahara is not sending welcome emails or emails when a user grants access to other users. User registration works normally and users receive welcome emails, but when I as an administrator try to add the new user it works but I get the message Error sending welcome email and the user does not receive the email.

Resetting the password via email works fine.


Error message I get is:

EmailException: Couldn't send email to "Name Surname" with subject You have been given access to 1 portfolio by "Name Surname". Error from phpmailer was: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. in /var/www/mahara/web/lib/user.php:920
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/mahara/web/notification/email/lib.php(104): email_user()
#1 /var/www/mahara/web/lib/mahara.php(1819): PluginNotificationEmail::notify_user()
#2 /var/www/mahara/web/lib/activity.php(996): call_static_method()
#3 /var/www/mahara/web/lib/activity.php(1055): ActivityType->notify_user()
#4 /var/www/mahara/web/lib/activity.php(89): ActivityType->notify_users()
#5 /var/www/mahara/web/lib/activity.php(231): handle_activity()
#6 /var/www/mahara/web/lib/cron.php(201): activity_process_queue()
#7 {main}

It can not be the authentication problem, the server is normaly sending emails (when users manually registers or reset their password).

Any advices?

Thanks in advance 

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

16 November 2021, 14:46

Hi John,

It is strange that some messages work well while others don't.

Can you please double check your SMTP settings for the site in Admin menu -> Configure site -> Site options -> Email settings?

Thank you


John Doe's profile picture
Posts: 9

17 November 2021, 4:09

Hi Kristina,


Thank you for the reply,

Yes, it is strange and i am trying for long to figure out what can be a problem.


Email settings:

STP Host:

SMTP Port: 587
User:  [email protected]

Password: xxxxxx

SMTP Encryption: TLS

Email Address: [email protected]


I'm confused and have no idea, what can be the problem. I've also tried with SSL and port 465, but the result is the same.


Thanks in advance

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