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Is anyone experiencing any audio recording issues with Android 11?

John Lenehan's profile picture
Posts: 6

30 September 2021, 0:38



Is anyone experiencing an audio recording issue with the app and Android 11?


When I open the app in Android 11 and tap the 'Audio' button the screen moves to the 'Add audio' screen as expected.


However, when I tap on the 'RECORD' button, nothing happens.


Here is a screencast of the behaviour, is anybody else experiencing this issue?
Whoops! As a new member I cannot post links


The File upload, Journal entry and Photo functions are working as expected in the app (On Android 11).


All of the functions (File upload, Journal entry and Photo capture/upload and Audio capture/upload) are working as expected on iOS.





Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 103

30 September 2021, 11:41

Hi John,
This is a known issue. We will release a fix for it on the next beta version. With Android 11, the data storage structure has changed compared to previous Android versions. So that means we can no longer rely on devices having a dedicated area for external storage for file saving.
Kind regards,

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

30 September 2021, 12:15

Known issue as in we investigated it after you had let us know that you had the problem, John. :-)

John Lenehan's profile picture
Posts: 6

30 September 2021, 21:33

Thank you both for your update.


Do you have a timeframe when you hope the beta version of the app will be available for testing?



Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 103

01 October 2021, 14:13

Hi John,


The beta version is now available on the App store. Before you can access this update, please register as beta tester for Mahara Mobile.


Kind regards,


John Lenehan's profile picture
Posts: 6

05 October 2021, 0:24

Hi Doris

Do you have a testing protocol that I can follow as a beta tester?

I have tested Mahara mobile version 21.10.0. on Google Pixel 3a phone with Android 11 installed.

I can record audio again, select a file and add a journal entry and these files can be uploaded as expected.

However, I cannot take a photo.

When I tap the 'TAKE A PHOTO' button I get an error dialogue stating 'ImagePicker Error: Cannot launch camera', see screenshot attached.

I tested the app again using another Android phone, a Samsung A21s running Android 11. I tested the app using Mahara mobile version 21.10.0. and all functionality worked ok (file selector and upload, photo capture and upload, journal entry upload, audio recorder and upload).

I've no idea why I could not take a photo using the Pixel 3A, maybe you know more about the error that was displayed.

If you need anymore information, please let me know.


John L





  • Screenshot_20211004-113644.png
Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 103

07 October 2021, 17:09

Hi John,


As you've figured out with your Samsung device working fine, it's a Google Pixel Camera problem. Happy to hear it works on the Samsung.
It looks to be a common problem on those Pixel devices:

I am able to replicate the issue with a Pixel 3a emulator on both Android 10 and 11 so it is not an issue in our code.


Kind regards,

John Lenehan's profile picture
Posts: 6

07 October 2021, 21:56

Hi Doris


I'm able to activate the camera with other apps on my Pixel phone such as:






But it does not work with the Mahara app.


I tried the advice here: 

And it made no difference.


It will be difficult for us to recommend this app if it only works on certain Android phones.





Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 103

11 October 2021, 10:44

Hi John,

Are you using the 'Google Camera' app or the built-in camera when you use Mahara Mobile on your Pixel device?


Kind regards,


John Lenehan's profile picture
Posts: 6

12 October 2021, 22:04

Hi Doris


Do you mean "Are you using the 'Google Camera' app or the built-in camera *app* when you use Mahara Mobile on your Pixel device?"

I don't know what is being used to be honest.

I can see is an app called 'Camera' which I assume is what you are referring to when you say the 'Google camera app'.

The Google camera app called 'Camera' cannot uninstalled but it can be disabled.

When I disable and try to take a photo using the Mahara app an error occurs displaying 'Image Picker Error:Cannot launch camera'.

With the 'Camera' app disabled Whatsapp and Twitter can still take photos and record video, so maybe there must be some underlying camera code in the Android core or maybe these apps contain their own camera code.

Some other apps that I have cannot take photos with the 'Camera' app disabled.

I hope this helps in some way.

As a user I need to turn the 'Camera' back on otherwise I can't use my phone as camera.






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