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Moodle-Mahara MNet integration portfolio functionality

Kemoko KEITA's profile picture
Posts: 12

12 October 2021, 21:46

Hi Kristina


As you knew, I am new in Mahara and Moodle and I am using this plug-in.

I am using these three functionality, Connectivity, submission and sending portfolio too. But I was doing it with Moodle 3.11.1 and everything was working correctly.

Now I want to use it with a Moodle 3.11.3, when I configure the part of Network and Pair in Moodle side, and in Mahara side the XMLRPC, and after adding the bloc Network Server in Moodle I should be able to see the link of the Mahara to go to Mahara. But Only stuffs can see this link and students can not see the link.

I thought maybe this would have something with new decision of Moodle, Shouldn't it ?

Anyway, anyone have an advice for me for my problem please ? It will be nice to help


Thank you in Advance


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4871

13 October 2021, 13:50

Hi Kemoko,

This sounds like students don't have the permission to roam to another site. That is a capability. Can you please check that students are allowed to do that?

Thank you


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