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Empty Ratings

A.Emily's profile picture
Posts: 23

25 August 2021, 15:04

Hi, I am using Mahara 21.04. I realize that every time we do the rating in the comment section of the page, the rating will be empty once it was saved. No matter how many star we set, it's still empty. May I know how to fix this issue, please?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

26 August 2021, 9:12

Hi Emily,

I can't replicate this issue on my local install of Mahara 21.04 nor on the demo site. Do you get any JavaScript errors in the console?

Thank you


A.Emily's profile picture
Posts: 23

27 August 2021, 14:04

Hi Kristina,

Where can I check for Javascript error?

Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 84

27 August 2021, 16:32

Hi Emily,

You can check the JavaScript error in the developer console of the browser.

In Firefox and Chrome, you can open this up by pressing 'Ctrl + Shift + i ' and then click on the 'Console' tab to see if there are any errors. These will typically be in red.


Kind regards,


Judith Wörz's profile picture
Posts: 4

11 March 2022, 3:13

Could you have solved the problem meanwhile?
We have the same problem, but we don’t’ find any “Javaskript errors”. We are using Mahara 21.04 as well.
Thanks in advance for answering me.
Best regards,

Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 84

15 March 2022, 11:15

Hi Judith,

We haven't been able to recreate this issue on the demo site with the following steps:

  1. Create a page and view it.
  2. Add a page comment and select a comment rating. The rating is saved.

Maybe you can help us with tracking down this issue. Are you able to recreate the issue following your test steps using the demo site which is on the latest 21.10? If not, can you please provide specific instructions or a screencast showing how you come to get empty ratings?

Kind regards,

15 March 2022, 22:42

Hello, I have the same problem on my 20.04, my 21.04 and the 21.10 demo :


If you can check out today :

This comment has a 4-star rating, and I see 0 stars.

2022-03-15 10_32_55-Basics of human-computer interaction - Mahara Demo.png.1

HTML seems ok in the dev console :

2022-03-15 10_38_34-DevTools - demo.mahara.org_user_polly-potter_basics-of-human-computer-interactio.png.2

But I can't find CSS style for "icon-solid" and "icon-regular"

On the JS console :

content_script.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'WBSAutoFillFormTypeUndetermined' has already been declared

Doris ⚡'s profile picture
Posts: 84

16 March 2022, 15:56

Hi Gaetan,

Can you please confirm your browser (and version) and operating system used to view this page to confirm our findings?

We've now verified the issue at

Kind regards,


17 March 2022, 0:03

Hello, Chrome 99.0.4844.51 windows 10 and macos 12.1, Edge 99.0.1150.39 windows 10, Safari 15.2 (17612. Mac OS 12.1

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

18 March 2022, 14:52

Hi everyone,

This is issue has actually already been fixed for the upcoming Mahara 22.04 when we thought it only impacted the link underline. Patches for 21.04 and 21.10 are underway if you want to grab them rather than wait for the next minor point update.

Thank you


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