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Problems with exporting leap2a and HTML

Anna Greenhill's profile picture
Posts: 29

20 August 2021, 1:51


I am hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction. We are currently running Mahara 20.04 and we have a test site running 21.04 which we are hoping to go live with in September. 

We have come across a problem with exporting portfolios on both sites. It appears that the files and images are exported but no text. 

Has anyone else come across this? Any ideas what it might be? 


Newman University

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

25 August 2021, 11:17

Hi Anna,

Can you please provide a bit more detail? What text is not exported? Any text that is on a page? Can you provide the export file you get (ideally without actual student evidence to protect privacy)? Is it just the HTML export or the Leap2A that is problematic? Do you run the PDF export as well?

Thank you


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