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CSS Classes or different Color codes for Borders around Resume entries

Andi Becker's profile picture
Posts: 68

03 July 2021, 16:53

In a Resume you have lots of items. Some are more important and some are less. To keep the important one listed in a timely order it would be very helpful if those could be highlited. The idea is to either put another background color or/and border around the accordion and the unfolded item itself. With one view those important items like a Highschool degree, and the university degrees, could be easily spotted. As all actually count for the educational history - to that belongs also workshops and minor exams you  might have passed. It is actually not very useful to place those minor important educational items in the Award Tab, where even the start - end dates are also missing beside other fields which proof to be important for an educational record like they are available in the educational history.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

04 July 2021, 20:03

Hi Andi,

The Mahara core team is currently not making any changes to the résumé section as it is being worked on, i.e. completely revamped, by a community member. There are lots of possibilities of making this section more attractive. Mahara uses SASS and thus, if you can target say the first entry in a list, then you can give it a different look or add additional classes to achieve the desired look.

Thank you


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