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Additional Fields in Mahara Registration Form

Andi Becker's profile picture
Posts: 68

03 July 2021, 14:43

Is it possible to create additional required fields in the Mahara Registration Form
We need i.e. an
- births date field
- ID card field
- country list and people have to choose their nationality
- upload field where an image of the person holding its ID card can be uploaded.

All fields should be required fields.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

04 July 2021, 20:06

Hi Andi,

Yes, you can create additional fields in Mahara. If you set them up as profile fields, you can easily make them mandatory. At the moment, you would need to hard-code them similar how the current fields are done, but you can certainly add more fields that way.



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