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Translations /
Mahara Manual translation to Dutch

Joost Elshoff's profile picture
Posts: 28

04 June 2021, 21:16

Hi everyone!

Just a quick question for which I didn't find an answer on

After I've finished translating a bit, how do I make sure the translations get merged into the Manuals website?

Currently, I'm not that far in the process, but it would be nice to know.

Thanks in advance!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

23 June 2021, 14:29

Hi Joost,

I'm afraid as far as I can see Launchpad hasn't found the cause of the problem yet. The translated strings do seem to be going into the export branch but then there is a problem. It's mentioned in the bug report I had filed a while back.

Thank you


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

02 June 2022, 8:49

Hi Joost and others translating the Mahara manual,

Good news! While I haven't heard back from Launchpad yet on the bug report for translations no making it into the export branches. A colleague of mine had a crack, and he could get the translations for the manual working again.

The manuals for Mahara 20.04 and 22.04 are already fixed, and we'll apply the same changes to 20.10, 21.04, and 21.10 so that we can hopefully correct them tomorrow once the export on Launchpad has happened.

Apologies that it took so long to find a solution, which in the end turned out to be quite simple.



Joost Elshoff's profile picture
Posts: 28

11 November 2022, 22:20

Thank you so much!

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