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Batch registration of users belonging to multiple institutions

AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

29 May 2021, 4:09


I have set up users to belong to multiple institutions.

I can have users belong to multiple institutions if I manually register the users individually.

There is a problem when registering users in bulk.

It's okay for a user to belong to the first institution.

An error will occur when the user belongs to the second institution.

If it is set to allow users to belong to multiple institutions, can the batch process that the user registers with the second institution not be completed normally?

Thank you.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

31 May 2021, 20:37

Hi AB-Net,

What error do you get when you add a person to the second institution? Did you make sure to allow that people can be in multiple institutions? What is the benefit of them being in multiple institutions?

You can make changes to your Mahara code to support your scenario. There is no admin setting or bulk action for that built-in at this stage.



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

01 June 2021, 1:01

Hi Kristina.

> What error do you get when you add a person to the second institution?

I'm sorry I couldn't give a clear answer because I haven't kept a record.

The institute is divided by the classroom to which the student belongs.

Teachers who teach students may teach in multiple classrooms.

I tried to get a teacher to belong to an institution in multiple classrooms where I teach.

When I assigned the teacher to the first institution, the batch process was successful.

I tried to batch belong the same teacher to another institution, but I got an error.

I think the error message meant something like "I'm a member of another institution".


Later, I realized that teachers don't have to belong to the same institution as students, but they can belong to the same group as students.

The teacher has changed to not belong to the same institution as the student, so now it's okay if the teacher can't belong to more than one institution.

If it is not common for a teacher to belong to more than one institution, the teacher will try to operate without belonging to the institution.

Thank you.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

23 June 2021, 14:49

Hi AB-Net,

Correct, you can be in the same group even when you are in multiple institutions. Great that this resolved your problem. It still sounds though like you don't have multiple institutions turned on, which you can do in Admin menu -> Configure site -> Site options -> Institution settings if that were needed at some point.

The good point about having teachers in a separate institution than students is that they can have a different theme and also different content on the dashboard page and you can have different settings for their institution. For example, if you don't want to allow students to create public portfolios, you could still allow that for teachers though.



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

23 June 2021, 18:46

Hi Kristina.

Thank you for answering.

> Correct, you can be in the same group even when you are in multiple institutions. 

Thank you for saying that the method I implemented is correct.

>  It still sounds though like you don't have multiple institutions turned on.

I change the settings so that teachers can belong to multiple institutions.

Thank you.



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