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When sharing a collection with a group

AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

29 May 2021, 1:31


I would like to share my collection of institutes with the tutors of the group.

I have a question about collection sharing settings.

I can select a search from the shared targets, then select a group, select a specific group, and then select tutors within the group.

I can't select tutors in a group when I select a specific group in the group from what I want to share.

Isn't it the same if I select a specific group from the search and if I select a specific group from the group?

Thank you.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

31 May 2021, 20:40

Hi AB-Net,

I'm sorry, but I may not understand your question correctly. You can share a portfolio with tutors in a group but can't select specific tutors. If you want to do that, you can simply select them from the 'Person' search. If you wish to search for a group -> select it -> select the role with whom to share -> then select an individual who has that role, you can adjust the code to accommodate that.



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

01 June 2021, 0:47

Hi Kristina.

Thank you for answering.

I'm sorry that my English is not good and the sentences are difficult to understand.

Students belong to institutions and groups that indicate the classroom to which they belong.

The teacher who evaluates the student belongs to the same group as the student.

A teacher who evaluates a student is a tutor who belongs to the same group as the student.

Students will need to share the evaluation with the teacher who is in charge of the evaluation.

This question asks about an operation where students allow tutors in the same group to share.

The part surrounded by the red frame of the attached image "img1.png" can be used for sharing with the group.

The tutor of the group can be specified by the method of selecting a group from the search, which is the red frame above.

The method of selecting the group to which the student belongs, which is the red frame below, allows you to select the group, but not the tutor of the group.

I want students to select tutors from their own group, which is the red frame at the bottom, so that they don't accidentally select a different group.

Thank you.


  • img1.png
  • img2.png
  • img3.png
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

23 June 2021, 14:54

Hi AB-Net,

I may have answered your question in your other forum topic. To safely share only with tutors and admins, use the submissions functionality, which you can turn on in the group settings. In Mahara 21.04, we introduced an entire management screen that allows a group administrator to assign tutors to submissions. That was functionality developed by Universität Bremen. You can see a brief into in the feature video.



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

23 June 2021, 18:34

Hi Kristina,

Thank you for answering.

> You can see a brief into in the feature video.

I watch the video and see how it works.

Thank you.


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