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Link to external manual

AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

08 May 2021, 4:22


When the external manual is enabled in the menu settings, the link destination is not edited normally.
If you leave the link blank, it will be linked to "" and a "404 Not Found" error will occur.

If you enter "", the actual link destination will be "".
If you enter "", the actual link destination will be "" It becomes "#menus".
Japanese is set.

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

10 May 2021, 15:43

Hi AB-Net,

Thank you for spotting this problem.

We have filed a bug for it and it will be fix in the next minor point release

To fix this issue now you can do the following

1) Update the htdocs/lib/version.php file and change the series value to 21.04

2) Update the database to reflect the new value:  UPDATE config SET value = '21.04' WHERE field = 'series';



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

10 May 2021, 17:17

Hi Robert,

Thank you for the quick response.

It is a notification of the result of correction by the method presented.

When I left the URL blank, it worked, but English help "11.3.4. Menus" was displayed.

Entering "" in the URL is the same as leaving it blank.

If you enter "" in the URL, "404 Not Found" will be displayed.
In that case, "" is displayed in the address bar.

Thank you.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4907

14 May 2021, 15:52

Hi AB-Net,

Can you please give Robert's fix a go? That would resolve the problem. The Mahara manual link works the following way:

When you use the default option, i.e. leave the field in 'Menus' blank, it connects to the Mahara manual at The site is running on https and not http. It works out the version of Mahara that you need automatically based on the 'Series' value. That is the part that Robert's patch fixes as it accidentally said 21.10 when it should have said 21.04.

You would only put anything in that URL field when you made a complete fork of the Mahara manual and provided that somewhere else. If you add any additional path information, it assumes it is the main URL and appends the structure of the manual. That's why you got the '404 not found' pages.

Additionally, the language is also worked out automatically based on the language you selected in Mahara. We discovered an issue with Japanese there though. Dutch and German worked, but for Japanese, only the English version was displayed. We are investigating.

Thank you



AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

15 May 2021, 3:12

Hi Kristina,

Thank you for answering.

I understand why the '404 not found' page is displayed.

Currently, a link to the manual is displayed in the sidebar menu.
We have been able to provide users with a link to the Japanese manual, so there are no operational problems.
I hope it will be fixed in the next version.

Thank you.


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

14 May 2021, 16:36

Hi AB-Net,

By the by I noticed a language string that is incorrect in the Japanese langpack

In Japanese both of these language strings have a %d placeholder
$string['anddetails'] = 'コメント (%d) および詳細';
$string['commentsanddetails'] = 'コメント (%d) および詳細';

But in English only the second one does
$string['anddetails'] = 'and details';
$string['commentsanddetails'] = 'Comments (%d) and details';

The 'anddetails' one needs fixing





AB-Net's profile picture
Posts: 91

15 May 2021, 3:13

Hi Robert.

Thank you for answering.

Currently, a link to the manual is displayed in the sidebar menu.
We have been able to provide users with a link to the Japanese manual, so there are no operational problems.
I hope it will be fixed in the next version.

Thank you.


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